
Cool idea. The first thing that popped into my head was redacting the "mario" part of the quote "Itsa me, mario!"

330 people is small? Da-y-amn!

No Tomatoes Please

I don't think we can draw any conclusions until we see that particular scene on a decent size tv, no?

Lets see....

I had clippings of "Dragon Warrior" from an early issue of the Nintendo Fun Club newsletter on a cork board in my room as a kid.

Florida is doing pretty poorly. I think last year was the first year on record that the population actually went down in Florida. Also, the real estate market down there got hit worse than just about every state.

"a cheap horror flick, something that leaves everyone but the strange cast of characters in the gas station dead."

@subtlescalpel: Oh dear god. I dont think ill ever get past this one level.

Anyone remember Chandler and Joey playing Ultimate Fireball on Friends?

@douglatins: Sorry, "Intellectual Property". Like characters, story plot, "lore" and such.

Well if those workers bothered to listen to Rush Limbaugh, they'd understand that oil is a perfectly natural substance.

@Matt0505: I imagine the day that Blizzard releases Diablo II and Starcraft for the iPad would be one helluva sales day.

I know the perfect, equally ridiculous, companion for her!

"For me, Osmos on the iPad is an experience first and a game second"

@wtf_G: haha, yea. TMNT actually. But that didnt start as a game I suppose.

Is Naughty Bear the first game where the IP is exceedingly better than the game itself?

The invention is less widely known simply because its not particularly safe to jam sharp objects into your mouth over and over again, especially when the food is most likely paired with alcohol and distracting dinner conversation.

@Vidikron: Yea, good point. It's probably 5 pounds heavier :P