
How did Chrysler's "Neck belt" not make the list?

"What's it all trying to say? "

"why is our most common gameplay choice the pursuit of war?"

This is a pretty old story, sadly.

One solution that hasn't been mentioned is to remove several fingers from your "talking hand" to reduce the likelihood that they will short the antenna.

@cmdluke: Or LEGO Universe. It has a similar learning curve.

@Boter: I knew that when I installed it. I guess i just assumed that when they migrated it to the iPhone, it would be standalone.

Hey baby, you talkin' to me?

I have to agree.

@PuffyTail: You had to go out of your way to get cougars? It seemed like every time i ventured off the road, a cougar would rape me and my horse in about 8 seconds.

I finally caved and installed FarmVille on my iPhone. Then I saw that it requires facebook.

I do see his point but I think the answer lies in better tools to allow the community to sift through the apps.

I love the "Asbestos here" label and pointer in the second vid. Haha. As they say, its all in the details.

@CubeRat: That russian chick is WAY hotter. Id betray America in about 5 seconds for a shot at that.

I work at a radio station. Here's how I define a "podcast" for the luddites here at the station: "Its another name for when you put your radio show on the web for people to download, typically as an mp3 file".