
LOST, aka "Left Behind: The Sequel"

That sounds like a cool game. I'd play it.

Now you can death grip it while you death grip it.

@Z_Naught: Yea, or Tuesday the 29th.

@panikt: Good vibes, hmm. I think the billions of dollars we're all sending Apple counts as "good vibes", no?

#11 - Set "this number is no longer in service" for that special someone you no longer wish to talk to. Ever.

Costner does have a valuable skill after all.

@Bathtub69: In 7th grade, our school introduced a new elective which focused on engineering and computer tech. It was called "Foundations of Technology".

I am 35 years old. When i was a wee child (I'd gues around 1983 or thereabouts, not sure though), my older sister was given a video game prescription:

@Carrion3: Oh, that's not fact? I was going to add that to the CS:S wikipedia page but then i read the "just my opinion" part at the end.

Finishing up Mass Effect 2 (first play through). Not sure if i liked it enough to play through a second time on the hardest setting.

I was wondering how to find all this "porn" people have been talking about.

Just get iTongs. I said this in the last reception thread.

@webdevmike: Yea but there's a gadget in that photo. You know, gadgets, gadget blog, and so forth.

@mrpibb79: It doesn't desensitize. Not in the least. Ask any gamer who's seen someone killed in front of them. They react the same as non-gamers.

The iPhone continues its tradition of being an amazing mobile device, but one of the worst mobile phones.