
@kylecpcs: His liver disagrees with you on the point about the Vodka

Adam, It is so nice of you to stay in touch with Jason while he's in prison.

@GeneralBattuta: I guess my point is that if you gave a woman the option of being cute enough to be subject to cat-calls, or not, 100% would choose the former.

I just managed to log back into my old account after losing my credentials for over a year.

I know a girl who is hot aside from her heavily scarred face.

@Milo Corkey: Its so you dont feel bad when you murder it.

Hmm, it still requires Facebook. I assumed it was a standalone iPhone game, but its not.

See the BBC interview:


@TBS Mulder: Kennan was (is) really funny. The other guy, however, was not.

CD is a nickname, and nicknames are for friends, and Compact Discs are no friends of mine.

Funny, I just finished reading the "tear down" on

Oh what could have been:

"Using the info provided by LRO, a laser pulse was sent to Lunokhod 1 and contact was made with the rover for the first time in nearly four decades."

C'mon, they just added "ginormous" to the dictionary: