
I took it to just be a matter of suicide taboo (since he was the one who had to the killing?), but yeah I’m curious how one of the faceless men cheating death tallies with the MFG.

The most eye opening trial was for a new HIV medication. The study pool consisted mainly of the homeless, prostitutes, drug addicts, etc. They ended up cancelling the trial because those that were given the drug were proven to be at greater risk of contracting HIV then those that didn't.

"...During the execution, a crowd of 300 demonstrators gathered outside the prison cheered while some yelled "Trick or treat!""

cool info - I hadn't heard of any of these..! Rocky Jones sounds awesome. Especially the real-life felon sidekick.

'...wore a richly textured brocade doublet with buttons of lapis lazuli and a tasteful brooch bearing the sigil of his house - three jars of milk on a house stoop. I must needs record the entire history of House Dairy before I expire! Dipping his quill even as his neck spasmed to eject the sweetmeats lodged in his

Do you mean The Quiet Earth?

Now playing

But slug slime is good for a lot more than whole-body lubrication.

Please don't - call it in and stay in your vehicle if you are the only one around, otherwise clear the area. Even if you have medical training and equipment, you're putting yourself and others at risk if the traffic isn't being controlled by police/fire. Also keep in mind not all trucks are carrying teddy bears and

Makes no difference, Bouchon or McDonald's, all fries turn into garbage about six minutes after leaving the fryer... fried foods are by their nature an ephemeral delight.

"Items 2-9 are used to partially fry the french fries at the start of the cooking process, whereas items 13-19 are the oil used to fry the fries a second time, at the actual restaurant."

That sounds a bit more like the Tetris Effect:… , which is relatively common for folks who have to do a lot of repetitive visual/spacial tasks. Not trying to diminish your experience - it's definitely unpleasant to have your day job invading your dreams.

... and in place of the unspeakably dull, "In God We Trust," which sounds like something you'd find scrawled on the currency of any monarchy of the time.

Way beyond... the equivalent of castration for females would be an oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries) which results in near total loss of estrogen and progesterone production... rarely done unless medically necessary.…

That's all done by a colorist in post-production - they're probably still working on it, and are most likely protective of how they achieve the exact look in the film (although part of it is just a white makeup -> fleshtone correction, e.g. City of Lost Children)

I assume you're trolling, but if not, you are missing out on one of the coolest sci-fi films ever made, and probably the best performance of Bruce Willis' career:

Just looks like a lot of whining to me... if someone's looking for a million bucks from me, I'm gonna want a pretty damn low p-value too. If these 'psi' experiments were getting reproducible results with a p-value of even <0.1, Sanjay Gupta would be on the news giving out tips on harnessing your latent psionic

It's not unusual for male trauma patients to have a partial erection, even in the absence of spinal cord damage... not sure what the mechanism is.

I imagine these guys have already had a phone call from the Canadian equivalent of the FDA... however they want to frame it, their little setup here is an investigational device being used in a human experiment. Really amazed they don't address any of the medical-legal issues in their proposal, considering the amount

Yeah, most of the rules restricting blood donors aren't evidence-based at all... they seem to be informed more by government pressure based on public paranoia back in the Reagan era. I was born in the UK and can't donate in the US because they're terrified I have prions from Thatcher-era mad cows floating around my

I still figure it'll be Starfox. Superpowered, but a dick, considering they have laid the tracks for a deadbeat dad and hinted that he has powers.