Why? He didn’t swear, and even if he did the umpire needs to stop having bunny ears. If you can’t take criticism then don’t be an umpire
Why? He didn’t swear, and even if he did the umpire needs to stop having bunny ears. If you can’t take criticism then don’t be an umpire
What part is homophobic?
Didn’t know that there were Deadspin readers in Alabama
Surprised that You’re allowed to post this. Usually gawker requires for it to be a sex video and not just a picture on its porn site
Along those lines, starting pitchers are dumb. Teams should go to having 5 pitchers throw 1-2 innings every game instead of the current system of 6 innings then 3 relievers.
As a Yankees fan, I always wondered why no one ever looked into it as it was at least a bang bang play if not Giambi being safe. Yet everyone kind of just looks away and we never get slow-mo replays
This isn’t crazy and as a football fan I’ve been saying. I like that the 3 vs 8 game in October is an elimination game. College basketball has a great March madness, but the rest of the season stinks Because too many teams get in. I wish that football would go to 8 teams with auto bids for the BCS conference…
I believe that Gawker isn’t a porn site
You know just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean it’s bigoted right? Like I don’t agree with turning a gossip site into a porn site by posting celebrity sex tapes. But I don’t think Gawker is bigoted
Surprising that Goodell has the issue with the plot and not Deadspin whose accused of being smut site that would pay 50K for a photo that could hurt a professional athletes career
They also make us watch porn by posting celebrity sex tapes. Would be nice to have a site that isn’t smut
When I saw the headline I was expecting to be something like that, or a celebrity sex tape since this is a gawker site and that’s what they do
While I agree with most of your piece, mainly that even though there’s issues with discriminating against white people this girl just wasn’t good enough to get into UT, there’s one part I don’t get. You seem to imply that parents shouldn’t be allowed to put their children into good schools. If you pay more for a house…
Don’t forget the BS call 3. I’m shocked at how many people will gain possession or advantage for a BS reason, (PG gets a charlie horse and drops the ball, random guy shooting layups on the side hoop gets in the way, ball goes out of bounds on a fluke play) and the guy will just run with it rather than shoot a 30 foot…
If you care about or enjoy reading a sports writer political views then you’re probably the same A-hole that posts anti-hillary or anti-trump rants on Facebook
That’s basically it. If you’re covering sports full time then odds are you aren’t studying politics, economics, or social issues enough to have an educated opinion on it. So you’re probably aren’t going to know whether or not the Bush tax cuts or if Obamacare is good for the country. And even if you do still follow…
Schefter is right here. If deadspin stuck to sports gossip and off the cuff humor then they’d wouldn’t be losing readers left and right. If people want political views, they’ll follow someone with political knowledge. Not some smut sports writer with 16K followers on Twitter that works for a bankrupted company that…
The roommates at 35 was concerning but understanding. The minivan thing made no sense. We need answers there. Does he have kids? Why does the have a roommate if he has kids?
I don’t get why they don’t just have 1 city do the summer and 1 city do the winter and never leave. Then you can build real stadiums that are built to last and don’t have to worry about wasting billions of dollars on 2 weeks of festivities .
Disgraceful that you made a masturbatory reference in this. I expected some class out of this site and not smut