Black people of Haitian heritage in the Dominican Republic face mass deportation and disenfranchisement, despite the fact that many have never known life in any other circumstance than the one being ripped away from them.
Black people of Haitian heritage in the Dominican Republic face mass deportation and disenfranchisement, despite the fact that many have never known life in any other circumstance than the one being ripped away from them.
Just for shits and giggles, anybody wanna guess how much he spent creating this suit?
Holy f*ck! That looks great.
Well, of course it’s “the last place anyone would look” because who continues to search once they’ve found it?
English. It’s a great language but sometimes the syntax...
Forest for the trees?
Guy needs to start asking himself, WWWWD?
(What Would Wil Wheaton Do?)
I’ve always believed that if what you are presently doing isn’t working for you, it might be time to switch it up. You might consider foregoing the shorts. Who knows? This might open up offers of a few positions you didn’t consider previously.
Also, the “stinkeye” is so 80’s. Try double fisting “the bird” while…
I have to laugh. The author of what is clearly a sponsored ad over on keeps deleting my comment linking to this post, here.
Let’s all jump over and remind Neil Rubenking of the truth.
Wake me when it’s the
They have it at a level 10 and they need to bring it down to a 7,...
Q) None of the Above
Q) None of the Above
Steamers work great too. Put some brown sugar in a large basket style paper coffee filter and place in the steamer (and boiling water...) and a few minutes later it’s easy to work with again!
At least 4 times a year and for 2-3 weeks each time. Yeah, it’s a hard existence but I bear with it...
It’s a real shame you had to go with the small image here.
It’s a real shame you had to go with the small image here.
Not sure where you folks are going but most of the beaches in the Caribbean I hang out on have showers near the exits to the street where you can rinse off. Some have full shower stalls with curtains, where you can really get cleaned up in all those spots, if you catch my drift.
Tip the guy 10 pesos on the way past.
Josh? Is that you?
Rub against a baby?
Fish oil!! They are making OIL out of FISH! The horr... No, wait, that’s a real thing. NVM
Caster Oil!! They are making OIL out of CASTERS!! How will I move my furniture?... Oh, it’s not spelled like that? Ok, nvm.
3in1 OIL!! They are making OIL out of ... Yeah, I got nothing for that one either. I’ll just see myself…