I live in Vancouver. No one can afford to any longer.
I live in Vancouver. No one can afford to any longer.
Seriously, it’s not like she can’t afford it after the last 2 years she’s had. Pretty sure she made some serious bank.
I’ve had to learn the hard way to only buy when the product is shipped by Amazon. Too many times I have had an order which was a little cheaper and not shipped from the Amazon warehouse. Care to guess the percentage of times that I was given a fake Tracking Number and the order never arrived? Not always but often…
No, you ignorant a$$hole. You tip him because he spends the whole day keeping the shower and the washroom clean and the tank of water on the roof, which is heated by the sun, full, for your use. He works hard and on a good month might make $400US for his troubles. From this he feeds and provides for his family.
Just FYI, check out Wil Wheaton’s blog as he brews his own craft beer.
Many of his microbrewery recommendations are on point. He has joined a beer “collector” website, https://www.ratebeer.com/beer/drew-curtis—wil-wheaton—greg-koch-stone-farking-wheaton-w00tstout/221067/
It is worth looking at his “list of…
It’s ALL about the prep! Mise en place or GTFO.
Cheers! You have some catching up to do!
First off, TL;DR but my best advice, if it is not covered is, focus on learning the time it takes to prepare any one aspect of your meal. Let’s start with the protein, like a chicken breast from frozen, in a toaster oven. In the huge toaster oven I have I have found that it takes me 40-45 minutes in the oven to cook a…
You are either drinking the wrong ones or the problem lies between drinking vessel and chair.
- There! I said it!
I get that you are shilling gear for profit and personal gain but unless you are one of a small sub-sector that actually needs USB-C PD, there are better options such as:
This charger:
I get that you are shilling gear for profit and personal gain but unless you are one of a small sub-sector that actua…
Safe to suggest that you were also adding nutrients to the soil at the same time?
Two words:
Douche. Nozzle.
Just waiting for her anal porn debut. You know it’s happening. Mommy just needs to get the timing of the release right.
I still need a hint. He is the “star”? I’m guessing he’s one of “those” Bush but I’m not American so I don’t know (Read that as ‘care’.)
Really? Simply because I take issue with someone who is earning a living using a language which they cannot invest the interest nor time to master the basics of, you deem me a fit target for baseless personal attacks?
Well, please crawl back under your bridge or into your cave before you see your shadow. Cannot have…
“him and his wife” Really? Good thing you don’t earn a living by writing. Oh, wait! Perhaps it’s time you learned the language, sir. “He and his wife...” if you please.
Let’s not for a moment forget what this is. Paid advertising or Click Revenue. Either way this is a revenue stream plain and simple.
Like most of Shane’s “work” he’s getting paid to create opportunities for use to click through to the product and hopefully purchase some when we are there. I typically copy the link and…
Let’s not for a moment forget what this is. Paid advertising or Click Revenue. Either way this is a revenue stream…
Blame the Bland man. And they proceeded to bland to death...
Insane. I’ll keep wearing my $3 (on sale) Victoria’s Secret T’s. AND, I can get them in grey! Buy them 10 at a time, twice a year.
Insane. I’ll keep wearing my $3 (on sale) Victoria’s Secret T’s. AND, I can get them in grey! Buy them 10 at a time,…