Peanut Butter Double Chocolate Fudge Cookie!!!
Peanut Butter Double Chocolate Fudge Cookie!!!
Seriously, as others are noting, white vinegar diluted is cheap and easy to come by. Works just as well.
And here I thought you might have been excited about this news.
Pedialyte is great as a sports drink and as something to drink before heading to bed after a ‘hard night out’ but it won’t “cure” your hangover. It might just reduce it some though.
Good to know. Not all of us live in the US as you do. Some of us still need to call in.
There should be little or no difficulty getting moved to the better incentive plan especially if you make a gentle assertion that you have been looking at other cards and that you are, right now, able and willing to close this account and open a card elsewhere if they are not interested in your future business.
Exactly! Great example.
How old is that mouse? Or that keyboard for that matter?
Somebody needs to tell this guy about LCD monitors!
FAT = Flavouring Agent Transport?
Sometimes with certain vegetable soups, you can use a portion of the soup and blend it smooth and stir it back in to act as a thickener. Cauliflower or potato soups come to mind off the bat.
What? And deprive you of this witty and meaningful exchange? I’d never dream of it!
If you want to learn about failure. Speak with my ex-wife and ask to discuss me. She has hours and hours worth of material that she believes is accurate and true.
I am SOOOOOoooooo stealing this. HELL! I may even get this tattooed on my chest!
Are they looking for a class action lawsuit? Lock the game in question but leave the rest of their paid content the fuck alone! You can no more get away with that then your car dealership can impound your car for the weekend because you have an aftermarket filter installed with your last oil change.
And people wonder…
As a young man and as a person that does 85+% of their things alone, I can vouch that it just isn’t as fun doing things alone. It’s markedly less fun in fact.
In former Soviet Republic, joke writes self!
Time to brew some decaf!
When I was married, I had 9 months income fairly liquid as a buffer should we either:
a) get pregnant and start a family or,
b) one of us lose our job.