
My only problem with your comment is the absolutely ridiculous assertion that only “midwestern crackers” (white people) would be offended by LGBT characters in a Marvel movie. I’m a gay man, and I am here to tell you that white folks don’t even come close to having a monopoly on homophobia/transphobia.

My (now) husband and I paid for the majority of our wedding ourselves, with just a little help from our parents. We started putting money aside for it about a year and 1/2 before the wedding, did a lot of research and planning ahead of time, and made smart decisions about where to spend a little more money (food and

Danai Gurira is so striking and has such presence she could have worn a burlap sack and killed it - but that dress is amazing.

So, you guys read an article about a woman getting stabbed nine times and thought, “You know what this needs? A snarky, light-hearted take from Michael Harriot!” because women getting stabbed by their drugged out kids is hilarious.

You know, there are decaffeinated brands that are just as tasty as the real thing. 

“Is it that hard not to say something racist and problematic?”

What they deserve is to be ignored. Giving people like this any attention at all sends the message that their ignorant opinions are worthy of a response.

Why isn’t this cross posted to The Root?

It’s not nonsense - but it’s not true, either. Racism is distinguishable, whether it is the “default” for white people or not. I get where Damon is coming from, but I don’t think this article is helpful or good, except in that it allows the author to vent some of his justifiable anger and frustration. 

Fun. Usually when a black person says something other black people don’t like, they get turned white - now you’ve taken it a step farther and taken away her gender.

It’s also insane that so many women (and some men as well) were sexually harassed or abused by a small number of men in power and that it took so long for the truth to come out. The pendulum is swinging back hard, but eventually (hopefully) when things have settled, the new normal will be a more fair, less threatening

No, it was just lazy. There was no master plan at work here - Rian Johnson didn’t like the story that was set up in TFW, so he jettisoned them in a quick and lazy way.

Good article - a quick note, though. It’s “Eastpointe”, not East Point. Eastpointe actually used to be called “East Detroit” but the city renamed itself in 1992 because it wanted to distance itself from Detroit proper in people’s minds.

Your lack of empathy isn’t excused by the racism of that kid’s parents.

You’re disgusting for being suspicious of a child because his parents are assholes. You’re disgusting because you take it farther - generalizing all white children as being worthy of suspicion simply because they’re white. You’re disgusting because every fucking thing you say on here shows that you’re a sour, bitter

I couldn’t disagree more. I think Rian Johnson’s answers to the questions that JJ Abrams set up in TFA were lazy and unimaginative, both in content and execution. He seemed more interested in making the Star Wars movie he wanted to make than in having that movie mesh with or make sense with what came before and I

...and in my opinion, io9 has been doing an especially poor job over the last several months. I understand exactly why io9 and other sites do this, I just don’t like it.

Wow. You really are a horrible fucking person.

Sure. I don’t think it’s bad/wrong to disagree with, be annoyed, angered, or even outraged by the way genre entertainment is made or presented. However, I think io9 oftentimes presents problematic issues in a way that makes them seem far worse than they really are. I also think the writers and staff of io9 actively

io9 is basically just an anger/outrage factory now.