
It’s not just a face they’ve gained, it’s a spine as well. They’ve slithered out of their vile hidey-holes and in 6 short months, they’re walking upright. It’s going to take a lot longer than that to send them slithering away again. :(

I oppose violence unless there is no other alternative. There is no debating the KKK, there is no reasoning with Neo-Nazis. There is no educating them or changing them. There is only making it clear to them, by any means necessary, that they have no place in our country.

Personally, my favorite part was right there in the beginning when he just had to tell us all how fantastic the economy is and about all the jobs that have supposedly been created since he was President. This motherfucker can’t talk about one thing without patting himself on the back first. It was also the only part

Yeah, so here’s the thing - every anti-Confederate article and every #noConfederate hashtag is music to HBO’S ears. The outrage, the controversy - it’s money in the bank. It’s attention. You’re feeding the monster.

This isn’t the beginning. The beginning was the election. He’s already emboldened them, and he will continue to do so. We’re smack in the middle of this shit, and it’s only going to get worse.

As if there was ever any doubt.

Not to pick nits, but aren’t they both the dumb, neo-nazi ones?

The way you feel about white allies is about the same way I feel about straight allies of the LGBTQ community.

White liberals who enjoy feeling guilty about being white.

All “Detroit” has to offer is one dimensional characters (some of them fictitious) in a torture porn movie dressed up as history. They didn’t even bother to film it in Detroit. And excuse me, but what the fuck is a white woman doing even touching this subject?

The fact that you have “mixed emotions” about sending your son out to be very likely injured while playing a silly game speaks volumes about this country’s pathetic addiction to sports.

Nope. I don’t care how good your points are how well thought out and written your article is (and it really is, good job!) Trump doesn’t get GoT. It’s my hour of the week that’s dedicated to NOT being about that festering tangerine anal wart, and I refuse to give it up. So there.

Fair enough. Funny that they don’t shy away from their religious status when it comes to paying taxes, though.

Well, that just makes me think “cult” even more.

The last time I checked, the fish and wildlife police don’t go around shooting black folks, either.

Great article, although I am wondering why the author chose the word “organization” to describe what is clearly a religion (or, perhaps more accurately, a cult)

Soda manufacturers exist to sell soda. Cigarette companies exist to sell you cigarettes. McDonald’s exists to sell you McDonald’s. The idea that anyone doesn’t know that drinking soda in excess, smoking, or eating McDonald’s every day isn’t good for you is ridiculous.

Yeah, shit is ridiculously unfair, but coming to the defense of a scumbag and probable murderer does nothing to advance your point of view. In fact, it undermines pretty much everything you say you stand for.

You know what I like to do to ignorant, racist white people, or ignorant, racist people of any other race? Nothing. Nothing at all. The moment I hear hateful bullshit come out of a person’s mouth, I disengage from them completely. I just walk away without another word.

What we should have all done from the start - ignore both these jackasses.