
Don’t assume you know what my race is. You don’t. Michael *is* apologizing and making excuses for the homophobia that comes not only from Migos, but indeed from any black male - that doesn’t mean that I hate Michael, or that I hate homophobic black guys or that I hate anyone. I don’t - but I am not going to sit here

How about you blame homophobia on ignorance and hate without apologizing for it by blaming it on bullshit like “cultural nuances”, the black man’s struggle with hypermasculinity and the tricksy and false white people? And a couple more things for the record - thinking that gay men aren’t real men because they’re gay

Typical GOP crap is what it is. Everything is a choice, including poverty, and the poor are either lazy or irresponsible or both.

There can be a difference between what one expects, and what one would prefer. That’s what I was asking. Also, I hope you don’t think that I was asking the question in a snarky or argumentative way - I am genuinely curious as to what her opinion is.

Sadly, yeah it is typical - with all types of harassment and bullying at schools.

Lewis Tan

The headline should read “Police interaction with black man goes the way it should - white racist idiot sent to jail.”

Yesha, you also say that representation is more than just casting Asian actors in secondary roles - would you have rather seen them cast an Asian as Danny Rand? If not, what would be satisfactory representation? It seems like Marvel struggles with diversity in their films, but I think their Netflix shows have done a

While getting physical with another student should be avoided, it seems like the school should have done something about a situation that had apparently been going on for months.

Not being an expert on Iron Fist, I am wondering - was the character ever portrayed as Asian or having an Asian background?

Thank you all for giving me another reason to be annoyed with Hamilton.

This is exactly the kind of thing the founding fathers had in mind when they passed the Second Amendment.

Yeah, those casinos totally make up for the decimation of a people and the loss of an entire country.

Well, if Leslie Jones or or another black cast member pitched or wrote the skit, it wouldn’t be racist. It would still be dumb and unfunny, though.

Or, maybe it just didn’t fucking happen. Because it didn’t fucking happen.

Pull your head out of your ass. Trump isn’t a dictator, and he has nothing to back up his allegations.

What a massive load of bullshit you are peddling. Practically every non-Fox, non-Breitbart media outlet in the country is attacking Trump on a daily basis. Liberals of all ages, races and genders have been out protesting and organizing. Maxine Waters has certainly gotten out there and spoken her mind, but what heavy

Another article on The Root spreading the hatred and mistrust of white people. This is racism, folks. Preston Mitchum, you are a racist. You can justify it any way you like, but that’s what you are and that’s what your message is. Now, I understand it - white folks as a whole have let down black folks time and time

That is weird - because it’s ridiculous and also probably because the “people” you’re referencing either don’t exist or only exist in the land of idiot trolls.

You’re spreading and expanding the story, Michael - so you can hardly complain about it not being over.