
This is flat out false. Many pirates would not buy the game anyway but a significant portion would.

I disagree. Advertising, box art and interviews have actual value when it comes to the amount of sales a game will have. Even a bad game will sell well if there’s enough marketing. Just look at No Man’s Sky.

I’m sorry. We’ll have to flag your comment for breaking the prime directive.

American Indian.

DC: “Sorry Zach, it’s not working out. We’re rebooting the DC Universe with another director.”

I do not know if taco bell will play any role in this show. I cannot answer your question adequately.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t that sampler dish from Applebees supposed to be shared among four people? 825 calories per person is still high, but it’s a little more manageable of an intake.

I don’t understand the silly notion that ALL female characters in EVERYthing have to be “strong female characters”, whatever the heck that’s supposed to mean. She exists in the story to further the conflict between Batman and the Joker? yes. Because this is a story about the conflict between the Batman and the Joker.

In the Bay Area, team Instinct is not common but still is there. I found some few gyms controlled by them.

You just gotta go for the most sensible of choices and follow the allmighty tallest.

“Prude”? I fucking love sex

That’s probably why you think this is perfectly natural.

They dont try to sell this as regular anime though. Its pretty obviously erotic and i assume broadcasted later at night (or like porn, with a 18+ warning on Crunchyroll), just like erotic movies in TV, at least in the non-prude part of the world, not sure if you have that where you live.

Nowhere did I reference race. You are the one who has the issue in your own little head.

Isnt that where they lure girls in then surprise her with bukkake?

You’re a fucking idiot. This (my) town is built upon the small businesses on the water. Not the fancy rich oceanside like your uninformed little mind is guessing, but the entire town is built on the Indian River Lagoon and has 70,000 people at average or below-average incomes who just want to work, live, and enjoy the

I doubt it was even so singular a decision as Paramount making the call. From comments made by other people/groups related to the film or the Ghost in the Shell franchise... the only people who thought a Japanese actor was the “only good/right decision” are entitled white Americans on Tumblr.

You know who doesn’t care about GITS being white washed? The Japenese. Stop being offended for other people.