Luke, technically it’s not a PAL SNES, you should just call it the European SNES.
Luke, technically it’s not a PAL SNES, you should just call it the European SNES.
My only regret is that I have but one star to give.
Looks pretty...N-Gaging.
If I’ve learned anything from the Alien movies, its to not even get f**king close to the eggs
Frankly, while the aesthetic is pleasing, the actual rapping is both not very interesting and not very well produced. I would have been hard-pressed to feel the urge to invest in this project knowing I’d be green lighting an experience that lacks polish in some of its most crucial aspects already.
Are you sure you “stay out” of these threads due to “enthusiastic fans,” or do you stay out because you have pre-conceived notions about the activities, and (a) you’re unable to open your mind and genuinely consider different viewpoints about what the event is about and (b) you’re unable to ask what may well be a…
Pretty sure it’s just a stage for fun.
Video game journalists are not like us.
As said on another thread, I feel that some fans of the AM2R game are butthurt so that they have to justify their love for the fan-game. I find it a insecure since AM2R is a great game, but it is crazy to say that AM2R looks better than SR considering that we only seen a short trailer of the latter. Maybe these fans…
The words of someone who didn’t play it.
I agree. And looks like the game is running at a smooth 60 FPS. It’s going to look fantastic on the 3DS honestly. Same way as Link Between Worlds graphics don’t pop as much over video as they do on the system itself.
Oddly, they had another video out yesterday about the music or something that was way tonally different -- “Driving is for everyone”:
I rewatch it every couple of years, such a good one. Top 20 of all time. Fight me.
Man, thats gonna be one gorgeous looking boring ass game.
He also talks about the size of testicles required to do a certain move.
I still play my Xbox 360 on composite cables through a widescreen CRT, and yet somehow I still manage to have this “fun” everyone speaks of in regards to video games.
These have been around longer than a month.
Seriously? That’s all?
Learn? Nah, older gens are already sick of life and cannot accept change - including whatever trends in newer gens.