
Um, nice try.. but we did act as a society and shut that shit down. Attend any KKK rallys recently? Know of any? Maybe they are happening, but not like they did in the 20's and 30's. I’m a Aethist personally, but I havent seen to many Christians blowing themselves up in airports and subways recently. Crazys, sure...

Holy cow Tyler! This comment section is just just outstanding.

A couple of moabs should take care of that orch-infested place!

“Religion is responsible for all the worlds problems.”

That is a completely stupid argument. What one group did or didnt do in the distant past has zero bearing on the present.
It sounds like you are defending Islam’s ‘right’ to be murderers??

So the religion of peace strikes again
Cue outrage at my comment in-

When will people learn that diversity and tolerance doesn't extend to the point that you welcome a culture that has an open desire to change your country to reflect their values by any means necessary?

Fuck terrorists