
i know she was lara croft, but she just seemed like she latched onto various dudes to accelerate her career and pitt was the jackpot. she hasn’t been good in anything except for gia & girl, interrupted (both times she played herself, really). her recent spate of vanity projects have all been bombs.

how is that “good”? the daughters are marketed strictly for their looks, and even though ALL of them started out very pretty have knifed and injected themselves into clones of each other. 98% of their time seems to be taking selfies and perhaps vaguely shilling products. did any of them besides kim even finish high

Would Mexico take them??

i see i wasn’t the only one listening to “wait, wait don’t tell me” this weekend.

since january? mccain has voted party line throughout his career, he is not mavericky in any way — just pointlessly mouthy.

we do NOT need to normalize pence. he wants christian sharia law and speaks to a VERY small sliver of american society. he IS trying to look like the sane grandpa to salvage his ass once cheetolini goes down in flames. that doesn’t make it true.

maker of forced album hearts maker of forced births. makes sense in these days.

his show was just renewed through 2018. over 4 million people watch his show — more than that of any other late night host. WE are not his demographic, so don’t fool yourself into thinking he will just fade away.

wilmore lost his strong lead-in when jon stewart left the daily show. ratings were/are very low with noah but it’s cc’s flagship show, so HE still has a job. for now.

after the election trump’s team got dozens of letters from qualified people removing themselves from consideration for posts within his admin. this guy is just the latest to see the writing on the wall.

i can’t be the only one just drinking straight out of the bottle at this point? cups are for kids.

we can rub our hands together, all patient evil villain style, and just wait for the day the crowds turn on him. then we can all cheer for “off with his orange head!!!”

his ego will never allow him to resign.

el oh el on the “next” news cycle. i beg, beseech and prostrate myself before god for a break from the news “cycle”. it’s like a 24/7 catherine wheel of torment. so much fuckery happens all damn day and night there is no respite.

who has a phone in the basement?

after that farce with abe last week i wondered if he fired whomever was doing that for obama and hasn’t refilled the position? there are exquisite sensibilities and signs of respect all of which he is completely unaware and seemingly doesn’t care.

in the observer piece referenced above, several natsec people said they are actively keeping intel away from the oval.

why do you assume she was abused?

“i just wanna relax and watch the grammies. who says that?”

i LOVE her, but i thought her elizabeth warren was weak.