Yes, that’s what this article said. You nailed it.
Yes, that’s what this article said. You nailed it.
I had a discussion with a white friend of mine about how minorities inherently have it tougher in the country. One of the things he mentioned was that black people shouldn’t sell and do drugs if they want to get ahead. I had to remind him that he sells drugs and we were both smoking while having the conversation.
A lot to unpack in your response. I think it’s important to realize that it’s possible to have a socioeconomic issue AND a race issue. Income inequality is getting worse for everyone, but it’s getting even worse for POC.
I will (shamefully) admit I used to be the type who was like, “we have a socioeconomic imbalance in this country masquerading as a race issue” but like you, Trayvon Martin forced me to confront that no, actually we have a humungous problem with racism. And it wasn’t just the news coverage - it was people I considered…
It was Trayvon Martin who really forced me to confront race in America. I remember seeing how his character was assassinated by Fox News and other right wing outlets and thinking, “he was seventeen. He’s a menace to society because he smoked pot and got into a fight? In that case I was Al fucking Capone.”
I like Santa Clarita Diet! And I loved this movie, I should really do a re-watch and see how it holds up with me.
Fuck off with this patronizing bullshit. I’ve seen the movie many times. I “get” it. It’s just that the plot is stupid and the over-arching concept behind it is nonsensical.
That was pretty much my entire reaction to the movie the first time I saw it.
Seriously. People need to fuck off with the don’t be so sensitive bullshit. That kind of casually accepted racism is not particularly clever or endearing. It is demeaning and embarrassing.
I think that the Mahershala joke was just part of a really odd pattern of race jokes that weren’t exactly offensive, but also fell flat and bizarre. The whole “What we learned is that black people saved NASA and white people saved jazz”, for instance. One of those things is ridiculous and one of them is not. Black…
And then he said something like, “everyone should get awards.” Uh, no, dummy. Moonlight should get the award. This isn’t candy. This is a first Oscar awarded to a movie with an all-black cast. Don’t minimize that... fool.
Their fake feud is funny in the context of Kimmel’s late night show, but bringing it to a venue as huge as the Oscars felt like an inside joke that no one got.
They ran a SHITLOAD of ads for it in their On Demand shows. Every day, I watch Colbert, and every fucking adbreak has an ad for this show.
We need allies from every end of the political spectrum right now so let’s just be glad Bush stepped away from his easel, where he’s very busy making outsider art, to speak up.
Nice burner, Heigl. We’re on to you.
Just read through a couple dozen replies. You’re the first person that did. Go, you.
You just did, cuck.
remember when Katherine Heigl left Grey’s Anatomy and was basically like “I AM ON A ROCKETSHIP TO STARDOM, SEE YOU LATER, SUCKERS” and now here we are