
Yeah, I agree. It seemed like he was trying to make it right as quickly and clearly as possible.

It’s ironic that this whole debacle was to protect his lawn but he was fine with dragging this kid through his neighbor’s hedge.

Ex cop here.

So this guy fucked up in all kinds of ways. He created the entire situation, pulled his gun, then shot it, either accidentally or on purpose. I’m so sick of people with power thinking they can do whatever in the fuck they want to other people.

That says to me that he grabbed his gun just for this confrontation. When you’re holding a hammer every problem looks like a nail.

These are kids, for crying out loud. KIDS. He, as a fucking police officer who has had significant training for these types of situations, should know how to handle it without having to pull out his gun and shoot it. It was not the child’s responsibility to de-escalate shit.

His lawn is going to have SO many people walking over it, now. I hope so many people walk over it an compact that soil nothing ever grows again.

Probably because he fell backward over a shrub, it embarrassed the hell out of him, so he had to re-establish is Alpha male position - which meant firing while surrounded by kids.

Why do you have a fucking gun out to confront a 13-year-old about crossing your lawn in the first goddamn place?

The cellphones matter. At least the collective can no longer say: we didn’t know.

It was also down the front of his pants! Could you get more Freudian? Or less gun-safe?

It seems older dude was psycho-cop’s dad, and has been engaged in a long-term battle of GET OFF MY LAWN. And since grass is more important than non-white children, the ODO felt it was his duty to assault a group of minors with a deadly weapon. You should call the APD and let them know how unacceptable this is: http://w

It makes absolutely no sense that his gun just “went off.” He had no business carrying a loaded gun in the first place. And he just happened to have the safety off and what, it fell out of his pocket and into his hand?

I think people expect interracial relationships to be more...exciting, somehow. I’ve been asked more than once about my sex life - and if it’s “different” with my husband than with a white man. I guess that’s because there are still these stereotypes about dark people as hypersexual. I think people are disappointed to

It’s certainly undermining the episodes in between her announcement as the next Bachelorette and when Nick eliminates her. It’s sort of boring to watch the show with them acting like a “couple” when we’ve already learned she isn’t going to win, so the timing of the announcement could have been better, but as someone

I was just about to post the same thing.

See and I have gotten the opposite impression. That in order to be the bachelorette she’s had to very infrequently discuss race at least up until this point. I haven’t watched last night’s yet. I would have appreciated a little more realness this whole season though. Like even “wow a black girl has never gotten this

I don’t watch the show , but isn’t her being announced as the lead in next season completely undermining this season?

I think it suggests that everybody is different and has different experiences with marriage and with everything else.