
After reading about department hiring practices, unless there’s a complete overhaul on hiring practices, I don’t see what’s going to change much.

I know, I’d like to think it’s people who want to see a more just and diverse police staff, but I fear it’s more white bullies who want to be able to legally kill brown people with impunity.

Someone I know applied to be a police officer in a city 20-30 min from Dallas. He was roundly rejected and told he didn’t have the correct mindset for the job because in each “scenario” they gave him in the interview he said he would assess the situation first and refused to go in shooting until he knew what was

A lot of departments have actual iq caps, so hiring dumb people is clearly a conscious decision, not some kind of mistake that keeps happening. I doubt they are going to start hiring people capable of finding other solutions, since they train the not-smart people they hire to believe that everyone (ahem) they

Unless their hiring standards change as well, zero of those applications are going to be accepted, if they display too much intelligence or empathy. Let’s not forget the guy from Connecticut who was rejected by the CPD because he was “too intelligent” and therefore deemed unacceptable because he may eventually

I was enjoying the entertainment so much until Khloe decided to tweet what she thought was a naked photo (taken without consent) of Chloe Grace Moretz as a way of “protecting” her family or whatever nonsense she said to excuse her bullshit. Turns out it wasn’t CGM and it was of another girl. That woman is seriously

She used to be “the nice one”, but what is creepy is realizing that after she gained greater self esteem that she became a bully. Like, was she just being nice because she didn’t want people clapping back on her weight? She just seems mean now. And Chloe Moretz was making a very general statement on top of everything

Lots of cognitive dissonance when she’s using that photo to defend a woman who poses naked on the regular and was made famous by a sex tape supposedly leaked without her permission.

The Kardashians of all people should know how horrible it is when paparazzi take horrible, violating photos of her. Fuck her.

How fucked up do you have to be to think a photo of a slipped bikini bottoms should/could prevent a person from expressing their opinion or being taken seriously? Or shame them? Go fly into the Sun, Khloe.

Khloe is quick to jump on the bully train.

She's like that fucked up playboy loser, that posted that innocent woman's photo in the locker room.

No one should be shamed for a photo they have no control over.

she is not the brightest of the bunch thats for sure

Exactly. She’s petty, disgusting, and a total fucking hypocrite.

And to post a half naked picture to slut shame and embarrass her (well, actually an innocent bystander) when the Kardashians all so vocally defend Kim’s right to do whatever she wants with her body as essentially a feminist move.

Khloe is definitely a disgusting piece of shit for this. Like fuck her. and good for Chloe for not backing down. Khloe girl, go do something productive with your time.

Yeah she was wearing a blue bottom in the first photo—conveniently cropped out. Which means Khloe was knowingly trying to pass it off as her

Klassy. I hate the entire Kardashian family (though I’m enjoying this T Swizzle takedown)

Seriously. Sending people to snap chat instead of posting it on Twitter was a PR master stroke.