Strickland Intimidated By Harper’s Dong
Strickland Intimidated By Harper’s Dong
As much as I love Lat 14, I still miss the Perkins that was there. Sometimes you want to get your Tremendous Twelve on a Saturday around 11 am while overhearing retirees talk about how Soros is paying those protesters to demonstrate against the president.
And if they can’t make it to University or Nicollet, Wok In The Park is right there, too.
reduce/reuse/recycle, yo
For 1), I’m staying the course. Odds are if I switch to cash I’ll get out too early and also get back in too late. My retirement timeline is still 20+ years away (even looking optimistically) so as long as an upcoming downturn isn’t a generation-long collapse of our economic system I’ll just keep methodically…
The body serves the mind, and the mind serves the institute. Push the body and the mind will follow. Snort Mountain Dew.
But now, after the SI article and this, I’m convinced that he’s not right medically.
I was waiting for someone to spike that softball right into the mixed metaphor.
NFL: here is a bajillion dollars. All you have to do is not be a despicable moron for few years, we good?
You people are fair, insufferable, and an absolute pleasure.
I fucking love that Deadspin has fascinating and well-written articles like these, where when you read the headline you momentarily wonder if it’s just a randomly generated string of words, and then you realize that no, there really were two Kentucky farmers that became kings of croquet.
“...and pushing on an injured eyeball is dangerous.”
“Oh man, that sucks.”
They’re allowed ONE.
I thought it was just me. Yeah, I can’t get a preview of what posts are on other pages either; that drove most of my traffic to Kotaku or Gizmodo or whatever and now I’ll go to them less and be exposed to even fewer ads than before.
Has anyone ever wondered if this hideous, Twilight Zone-esque timeline of the past few years is really a comatose dream? That all of these bizarre events are really your subconscious trying to provoke your consciousness, even comatose, into recognizing that these events are unreal, implausible, and that you’re truly…
Wish I had been paying attention to kinja earlier in the week. This experience is one of the purest aspects of canoe camping in the boundary waters for me, and your description of it made me think back to when I caught, cleaned, and cooked my first fish — and then when I did it on my first solo trip, with no expert…
Pats -14.5 as of this morning.
In general, traumatic brain injuries can lead to developing epilepsy down the road. Repeated subconcussive impacts for an epileptic is probably not the greatest, but as we don’t know the etiology of his epilepsy, it may not directly be worsened by playing football.