These comments are so good, they’ve made this grown man cry.
These comments are so good, they’ve made this grown man cry.
Whew - at least banned members are still exempt from football’s rules
uh excuse me sir but section 5 of the NCAA football rules clearly cover a series of downs and line to gain
Little league, maybe 10 or 11 years old. I was notgreatbob.gif in athletic talent, so the coach parked me as catcher (“you don’t have to catch everything, just don’t let it get behind you”) or right field (“if it’s coming towards you, yell for the center fielder to help”) yet batted me leadoff as at least I could draw…
This is one of the times where my words escape me (though surely some fellow reprobate down below will fire off a black humor one-liner) and all I can think of saying is thanks, Barry, for posting this, and my heart goes out to Bivens and those around him.
hey, no worries, it got me re-greyed despite the immediate follow-up comment 2 minutes later that praised the content.
(stupid joke aside, this was a nice framing of the fourth preseason games - so thanks for writing it.)
The Biggest Flex Anyone Will Ever Have Is Dying.
Shorten your browser window width so it only displays the article and comments below - the left section with the ad fuckery doesn’t render and the site becomes smooth like butter.
You are challenged to consume as many calories as possible in an hour. (Let’s say the 2020 election hangs in the balance, ‘cause why not?) You can choose any combination of food and drink, and there are no long-term health ramifications. The only rule is that you must remain conscious without vomiting for an…
This warrants being highlighted:
There are not enough stars for your comment for how hard it made me laugh right now.
In my county (and in many, many others) property ownership and tax records are available online - you can’t search by a person’s name in my locale, but you can search by an address or use an interactive map to click on parcels, find out the owners’ names, see what the assessed tax is, see what the outstanding tax owed…
Was I right in calling it the chicken-smooshing-machine, though?
contaminated with “extraneous material.”
We were so innocent once.
I think that the 1999 game burned itself into his mind and he was prime for brainwashing by Herman Cain’s 9/9/9 atrocity of a tax plan. Was he just mumbling “Nine... nine” all the time?
Anything outside the 494/694 loop is Tom Emmer / Michele Bachmann / There Be Dragons territory.
Also flashbacks to the 2007-2008 WGA strike, with “I support unions, but this is starting to affect my favorite TV shows”.
They reheated pretty well in the microwave.