
I don’t think a couple necessarily deserves to sit together, but I’m gonna throw in an EVEN if it means you have to move to a middle seat (and I know YOU woke up at 5am to check in so you’re a GOD AMONG MEN WHO SHOULDNT HAVE TO MOVE) if you see a mother and 2 kids like slogging onto the plane late, your whole stupid

ALL of these rules, but especially this:

All the feels and kudos for them.

Look at this track listing for the original! So good!

You realize FOB was at the height of their popularity in the mid aughts, just after NSYNC, right?

I just turned 30. And it makes me very sad that I’m considered an old now. Very very very sad. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to throw on the first Now that’s what I call music while I flip through a coffin catalogue. Do we think a white coffin is tacky? I’ve got a lot of decisions to make.

Yeah, I think when white people co-opted the word “basic,” it kind of just fulfilled the need for a slangy new misogynistic insult. Sort of a catchall term for “women I don’t like,” “or women I seek to differentiate myself from as a means to demonstrate that I’m one of the ‘good ones’ to earn patriarchal brownie

It does sound fun. Not everything is for everybody but I’m just not seeing how spending an evening drinking and painting is so horrible. I have a couple of co-workers that go to them and I’m trying to see if we can do one as a happy hour alternative. If nothing else, it’s a change from the usual bitch sessions.

I will admit to being extremely judgy of every person I would see at one of these on my Facebook feed. It’s kind of the epitome of the “basic white girl” stereotype. But I went to one a couple months ago as part of an event for a young professional group I’m part of and thought it was fun. Not something I would ever

i’ve gone with my fiance and with a bridal party - i had a good time! there’s one near me that also has an open paint, where you just buy the canvas and paint whatever you want. i brought my 2 nieces (no wine) for an afternoon and it was great! they got to paint and i didn’t have to worry about cleaning up paint all

There’s a studio like this across from my old office, and a group of us used to go on occasion. It was a great change from our usual happy hours where we just bitched about work for 2 hours. Instead we cheered each other on and laughed at our terrible paintings for 2 hours and were much happier going home.

Ok, every fucking basic on my newsfeed has done this at one time or another and I admit that I judge the hell out of their terrible paintings, but this piece softened me up a bit. I have adult coloring books so I can see how these classes can be appealing in a similar way. I’m just kind of saddened by the prospect of

Jeez, the Debbie Downer Brigade is out in force in these comments.

I wouldn’t do this for a bachelorette party but it is fun on a random week night when you have nothing else to do.

That’s not really a distinction though. “The Status Quo” is the current market. I really legitimately don’t believe any agent is leaving money on the table, the inequality in the way the studios make movies just gives them less leverage.

but what is equal though. The american hustle pay was obisouly unfair because jennifer is a bigger star that jeremy and he got paid more. That was crazy. I thoknk this could work on the lower end, but when it comes to alist stars i dont know if this will work.

I really love the way they dress their children. Yes, it’s old-fashioned, but it’s hardly uncomfortable, and they look like children: Peter Pan collars and sturdy socks and things. One of my sisters dresses her boys this way—lots of stripey jumpers and knee shorts (which have the added advantage of not being outgrown

And can I just add that’s is annoying when someone starts a story about how their generation or their parents’ generation did things so much better and subsequent generations will never know what hard work really is. Also, and I know this is shocking, but a lot of people still have kids at a really young age and have

As someone who is sort of 25 going on 12, I kind of read “adulting” as pointing to the dissonance between what we thought “adult” meant as kids, and what it ends up meaning once you get there....

Like in a lot of cases “adult” is a performance just like anything else. I have to attend a conference for my work this

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.