
This is no big deal. It probably has been happening for centuries just that our ancestors didn't blog about it for everyone to read.

And now because of the Star Trek reboot, Kirk gets to die all over again in some other way. Hopefully, not as awful the second time around?

Asian men will just go pick out some Russian women since they have the opposite problem. Too many drunken Russian men dying young.

The irony is that it's the religious people that are the most immoral. They think that by being religious it gives them an automatic free pass since all they have to do is ask for forgiveness from God.

Hey, it's better than being dead, right? Her husband probably didn't have it so nice either. Who knows what she's like behind close doors.

First of all, she's not all that attractive. I always thought she looked a bit mousey. Her eyes are set too far apart. In addition, I always suspected that she was a bimbo. That may explain why she's never heard in public. The Kennedy's probably told her to never make public statements as that would expose her

But that's my point. Not every police officer gets to do that. For most officers their job is relegated mostly to the mundane such as writing tickets, desk jockeying, and responding to jerk offs such as this.

I hate to play the race card here but somehow I doubt the police would be so inclined to close the case so quickly if the victim was a beautiful WHITE female that was stripped, gagged and hung out to die.

That's just complete bs. These flat footed cops like nothing but to eat their damn donuts. They could care less what happens to the citizens theyre suppose to serve and protect. The only thing they serve is themselves. God forbid, if something happens to one of them, they all respond like it's their mother but one of

I think a better title would be Oh, Fox News. Will You Ever Not Suck At Talking About Anything?

Yes, she really sets a great example for young women everywhere….on how to act like a stripper. Yes, just shake and grind your pelvis until the money falls your way.

Whenever someone brings up her name or her photo I can only think of this...

What I find more objectionable are women who CAN'T do their own nails. Yuk!

What a bunch of boobs, er, I mean noobs.

Not to brag but I love my Blancpain. OK, that was a brag...

$50 liability protection. The best kind.

Those are even worse as they don't give you the protections as credit cards. If thieves steal your money you may be out of luck.

Why isn't this creepy online? Hasn't the developer ever heard of the internet? Who makes APIs as software?

So basically, what you're saying is that this show is dated and will be less funny 20 years from now? I don't think so...

They should hang this guy up and let families of victims go at him like a pinata.