
You’re under estimating how often a vendor will walk into a store to see how their products are being stocked. It happens a lot, because as a business you’re paying for the shelf space.

Put down the pitchfork, this is a story with fuck all for substance.

Helping people stock shelves, i.e. finding it and putting it out for them, is not “forcing” anyone to do anything. It is the exact opposite, i.e. doing their work for them so they aren’t compelled to do so because of their job.

I 100% guarantee that every single person who starred this post buys a full priced game with microtransactions within the next 12 months. Probably within the next three in most cases.

Most people aren’t familiar with neo-nazi rhetoric and symbology. Hell most people are only even vaguely aware that neo-nazis are actually a real thing that actually exists.

I think it’s a very reasonable position. It didn’t occur to me until someone else at Kotaku pointed it out ahead of publication. My default, having been a kid in the 80s, is that 88 means 1988. I think you could stop 50 people in the street and not one of them would know the number had any association with anything

Americans use the terms “cultural appropriation” and evenblack face” so incorrectly they’ve completely lost all meaning. You stupid fucks need to figure out what you’re upset about quick because one day something actually offensive will happen and we won’t have the language to describe it

I would hope BG&E2 neither takes anything from normal Ubisoft-OpenWorld games OR the recent Zelda games at all. Because ToTK and BOTW, as beloved they are by many, are just more basic open world emptyness (yes, I beat both). They have a bit more charm in some areas than your typical Ubisoft Open World game, but they

bro, get off your soapbox. just let them enjoy a great game that’s still good

This isn’t intended as some kind of takedown, as I just wanted to see if anyone else was like me and maybe disliked DD in particular. I’m not even sure what the issue was. Just that I didn’t care for the handling, the AI was frustratingly difficult at higher difficulties (something you have to deal with a lot more

Just to play devil’s advocate here, the fact that they’re giving all the laid-off people six months’ worth of pay and healthcare is probably something that could have been mentioned a bit further up in the article. One might even say that is a more noteworthy bit of information than the fact that a random emote

There was a big revamp not too long ago (March, maybe?  can’t quite remember) where the XP system was made much, much more friendly.

They added XP from just playing matches in general in the Winter Update last year and since launch challenges have been made *much* easier and completely playlist-agnostic, so levelling is far less annoying now.

That’s pretty much where I’m at.  Mind you, I was deflated ages ago the moment they confirmed the return of weapon durability, as that was the one thing that would keep me from playing it at all.

Yep, this is where the weapon degradation system falls apart for me. It’s not the inconvenience of it, weapons are plentiful. It’s just that I don’t want my dope stuff to be fleeting. 

Man, I’m pretty excited about this game but I hated the durability system in BotW and reading this article weirdly deflated me. Like, it’s cool that I can nab the best shield early in the game, but I know that it’s just going to sit in my inventory (or on a wall in my house if that’s still a thing in TotK) because I

Please don’t fat shame. No matter how vile Chris Christie is, fat shaming him hurts people reading who have done nothing wrong. 

Going by this finale Season 2's finale won’t be ‘Eat my fingers!’
Guess it’s something to look forward to.

I havent played the game. I was kind of aware of how it ended before hand.