Updated: Sunday, May 27, 2018, 8 a.m. EDT: The official Oakland, Calif., police log from the Lake Merritt incident…
Updated: Sunday, May 27, 2018, 8 a.m. EDT: The official Oakland, Calif., police log from the Lake Merritt incident…
Well, 1) She’s American. 2) If her wedding was any indication, she definitely claims her blackness. 3) This is a news outlet, so we report on current events.
Ahead of her wedding to Prince Harry, sixth-in-line to the British throne, on Saturday, much has been said about the…
Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.
The red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival got even more colorful Wednesday as 16 black and biracial actresses…
Well, what people like this really want is to return to legally importing non-white laborers while eliminating any trace of a minimum wage, so they can pay them less than the bare minimum it would cost to house and feed them, while tracking their every (restricted) movement via ICE.
Editor’s note: Until recently, mental health and illness were taboo subjects in the black community. But thanks to…
I love that all of these recent stories are helping to shatter the perception that it’s just poor, uneducated White people who are upholding White supremacy and structural racism. These are middle class and rich college educated racists who are out here attacking Black people, not a bunch of backwoods yokels.
Nah...the 2nd email wasn’t blocked. Just the 1st one. But I made sure to send a link to all of the tweets about her the 2nd time.
Are these like Incels? What so we call them? Urkels? Blincels?BlackChaps?
I have found that most hoteps don’t consider Colin Kaepernick to be a black man because he’s mixed and therefore don’t really care about his protest.
The irony of a black man stanning for an NFL team in 2018 and then turning around and talking about how the Root is white owned... I don’t even know where to start with this fool.
“Fuckboy Voltron” needs to get put on a t-shirt.
And they always look like this:
Nah, there are honestly black dudes who feel like The Root is orchestrating an coordinated attack on the straight black male by, like, calling them out on their toxic bullshit, their disdain for black women, their ignorance towards LGBTQ people, and generally speaking on their dumbass hotepery for the miserable pile…
Basically I told myself I had to stay alive for my parents because when I was a reporter in Midland, TX. I once went to a support group for parents who lost a child and their pain was so real and horrible I realized I could never willfully do that to my parents. I adore my mother and father and they were basically a…
Editor’s note: Until recently, mental health and illness were taboo subjects in the black community. But thanks to…