What’s the handbag that would give you life—if only you could find it? Agnes Baddoo answered that question for…
What’s the handbag that would give you life—if only you could find it? Agnes Baddoo answered that question for…
Well *she* may have been attracted to her. I have a friend who played college ball and her coach was known for getting it in with students. Gender really doesn’t matter. This girl was being harassed.
I was thinking this, plus she probably found a significant other and the coach felt threatened and lashed out at her. They need to investigate his ass, why the fuck was he on one of his player’s IG any-fucking-way?
Seems like ol’ coach was sexually attracted to Ms. Ifeanyi and didn’t know how to handle it.
Nah, he doesn’t need help from the opposition. His logic deficiency goes back to his Hotep roots. He was in Outkast songs back in the day talking about “Overstanding.”
We’ve long thought that #MeToo Movement founder Tarana Burke deserved to be treated like the queen she is, and it’s…
So I don’t get the bullshit “I’m pro 2A” statement as if it is defiant, revolutionary or thought provoking. Absolutely no one is arguing the 2A should be repealed, guns should be confiscated or black people shouldn’t have access to guns. Kids are dying in schools, on their way to school, sitting on their blocks and…
Holy Week? I haven’t stepped foot in a church in 2 decades...lol
That interview was so stupid. First, the Noir dude starts by insulting grieving, traumatized teens in the open and then whines to Killer Mike that people act as though he has no empathy. Yeah, you don’t. You’ve been dogging those kids out since the shooting.
When the next Black person/child gets shot and/or unjustifiabley killed, and the NRA specifically cites Killer Mike will that be your breaking point? This is a sincere question.
Never trust a man with mitties.
Yea.....I’m not going to feel bad for Mike.
“It was a trap.
Issa Trap: How Killer Mike Became the NRA’s Token Negro
Oh Mark’d Mike, as soon as you saw that you counter programming to the #MarchForOurLives, your ass should have been on the ‘Gram, back peddling hard against your BS (not Bernie Sanders) commentary. Real friends don’t set up friends to come off as insensitive assholes unless they’re out to get theirs and cares not…
A few days ago, I received a phone call from Kyla Lacey, a friend and contributor to The Root. Kyla informed me that…
Never ever ever say ANYTHING to (or in front of) a journo that you wouldn’t want to have on the front page of the NYT. The magic words are “on background.” Maybe I’ll start adding that to my party invites. I’m not newsworthy (thank gods!) but I do know a lot of journos, and I’ve been bitten by it. EVERYTHING is on…
Look what we have here; a particularly lame attempt to limit your own embarrassment by trying to deflect, deny, distract. Your hapless smokescreen cannot conceal the fact that you did engage in whataboutism. You attacked people for having a legitimate beef with Killer Mike’s frankly idiotic appearance and BS on NRATV…
Ladies and Gentlemen, “whataboutism” example perfectly displayed by Wizznilliam.