
Well, no. I know you better from other places, but trust me when I tell you that this is not the place you want to come and #NotAllWhitePeople (and yes - it reads that way to me too). Not if you like your own personal backside the shade it is, because Michael will roast it like marshmallows without thinking twice.

Hey you,

Tucker Carlson is the walking embodiment of enema washback after months of dysentery. He is like the roach that wore the Edgar suit in Men in Black. Only he is walking shit in a no-lipped human suit completely devoid of rhythm and made of paranoia and ignorance protein enzymes. Of course, White people aren’t designed

Neither does being gay and having friends who are women make you not misogynistic.

And I wouldn’t say black anything is waving the high flag on black women’s rights either, cis OR LGBTQ.... but all those groups have no problem coming for us cis het women. Bring that same energy to black cis males who ACTUALLY threaten all of our lives, including their own.

I’ve actually written about it with screenshots. My personal experience is a black transwoman, who I’ve protected and fought for, had the audacity to call me transphobic when I said that we weren’t the same. We aren’t and that’s ok. She said that because I told her that there are experiences that she has never had

I’ve always said you can know someone 20+ years and not really know if they are a true friend/ally until trouble arises. That’s when people really show their asses.

That’s a two way street. And let’s not get it twisted and pretend that transwomen and gay men have not been equally toxic to black women. I have a shitload of screenshots if you need them.

The writer’s problem is with Black excellence. If he were a sportswriter, he’d be lamenting that Lebron James is putting Bosnian ballers out of business.

Sending Scott Mendelson #DEEZNUTS

Sending Scott Mendelson my #ThoughtsAndPrayers

Congrats on that reach.

He didn’t mock the size as I read it, just that whatever that size may be they’re insecure as fuck about it.

Dude you got triggered so hard you forgot to keep reading.

The very next paragraph literally says “I don’t ask men out on dates” but you found it hard to understand whether or not he asked me out?

Yo this comment... there is no reason to be this combative. Yes, this article suggests a modest, heteronormative standard that does not at all represent all potential types of romantic and/or sexual relationships between consenting adults.