
aubrey.grace, is that you?

Shorter Oprah:

That said, it is also important to keep in mind that the historical Democratic Party that MLK decried no longer exists in that form. The racist Dixiecrats left the Democratic Party and migrated to the open arms of the Republican Party as part of the Southern Strategy

Not sure whether or not I’m misinterpreting the

The delineation for me is a party that wants to be inclusive of all races and fall short (Dems) and a party that wants to exclude all races and succeeds (GOP).

This is what happens when your friends Meghan and Ashley don’t check you before you hit “publish.”

Another salty Phil Donohue fan.

Someone didn’t take Oprah’s advice...

ummm...then why are you here on this article?

I should watch these gifs every morning.

Mr. Trump, are the rumors true that you will build a Trump Tower in Wakanda to help repair relations with the African nation?

RIP Hachi cuz Oprah is bout that life

“Then why are you here on this feed?” Oprah responded, asking the question every singled person who has ever wrote something on the internet has either thought or screamed into their laptops. “Life is too short to follow and engage with people u don’t like.”

President Trump after your recently reported comments on Africa, are you concerned that the Black Panther movement is gaining traction in Wakanda?

At least her forehead ain’t ashy anymore.

It’s especially weird considering how much these women get attacked when they come out with this stuff. For whatever interview you see of them on television given the space to speak, there are like 10 death threats waiting in their inbox.

That’s not actually what she said, however. Dr. Rice is an excellent communicator. I don’t think it’s necessary to pretend she said something completely different than the words she in fact chose.

Nobody is turning women into snowflakes. Many of the women who have voiced complaints continued to work and pursue their careers through the difficulties that they were/are facing. Its not that they’re weak. It’s just that they don’t feel that they should have to face harassment or sexual assault. This is Dignity 101,

Well, maybe it’s just better not to have women around.’ I’ve heard a little bit of that. And it, it worries me.