
She looks good, if a little robotic/automated in outfits. It’s  probably easier and faster to stockpile a wardbrobe for extended period using a similar style in different colours. Kinda surprised she also stuck with same ol’ boring rotation of stilettoes though, especially with the uneven/cobbled/pebbled grounds she

“Deciding what hills to die on is as much art as it is science”

Danggit, KinjaHo ate my reply! Anyhoo:

Serena herself is an investor. She doesn’t need hubby to do it for her plus she has more money than him/his firm, anyway.

Congrats on making it thru, PanaMayne! But *notices old VSB comment section ain’t e’em on the list*

I feel your pain but remember the first to market won’t necessarily become the best or dominant one. Even if founder is POC, it’s irksome to see a lucrative woman-focused space led by men, e.g. Mayvenn is one of the prominent VC funded extensions brands but led by a Black guy. Hope you’ll try again, maybe with

Yesss, mooore yellow! Loving how the yellow-to-mustard range is having a moment and popping up everywhere, especially as it looks so fresh on POC. Meanwhile, why is Harry looking like her chauffeur/bus conductor? Sure, he’s not expected to be serving us fashion plate but does he at least know suits exist in other

Heh. Pretty sure even Phil and Larry would agree and defer to O’s skills.

Good for her! She looks amazing. Also love the 2nd bronzed mustard outfit - I’ve been on the mustard tip lately, fashion wise and it looks great on me and all POC I’ve seen rocking it. Vive la couleur!

YASSS! Though the actual clothes+accessories here don’t do it for me, I love everything about this show from a design, sociopolitical and production perspective. I was fine with ignoring Coonye and the KrooKrackKlan but the camera man seemed a tad focused on them. Good thing the models are fit because that was a long

*Cackle* Right? The irrational anger of people at Bey even for doing the most mundane things (that other celebs do but mysteriously get no complaints about) amuses me endlessly. I mean, whatever a star does is ultimately directed at her fans. So, if you’re not a fan, then you shouldn’t be concerned with what she does,

Love her.

Not so fast on praising Crayola: They apparently jacked it after seeing a Black woman’s success with launching her Crayon Case makeup line in 2017:

RussBecky better keep Serena’s name outta her bitchass mouth AND pay her licensing/royalties for using her name to sell her book. It’s also a huge disservice to Serena to call that Mayo Sapien her arch nemesis. Hopped up on performance drugs for years but still couldn’t win shit? Mediocretina ain’t nobody’s rival,

I look forward to his sex scandals coming out; you know he has some. #LockHimUp

... But I made sure to send a link to all of the tweets about her the 2nd time.

Oooh, such savagery on this fresh Monday. Thoughts and prayers to those Twitter warriors living with fragile masculinity.

My issue is that it requires everything of me and nothing of her. She isn’t changing. She feels persecuted for her beliefs. Which means that in order for us to move forward peacefully, it’s entirely on me to stuff my issues and my concerns and keep politics off the table. I want her to have great relationships with