
*and/or movements/cultures.

That said, the other aspect which makes these things messier is that in many of such cases, if examined, the artist’s work will be found to motifs and patterns from other artists (same or previous eras, etc) and/or. How much current artist customized X pattern/motif and whether it was enough to make it his/her own

This was an easily avoided lack of creativity issue. It happens a lot in art/design related fields. Unethical but unfortunately not clearly illegal - it’s a matter of $$ to have a court declare it illegal in blatant cases, which indie artists don’t have time/resources for. When this artist refused, the Panther video

Oh, I SEE you, Danielle:Chopping it up with all this ebony mahhvelousness and rubbing it in our faces like this? Can’t standju. And why did y’all have to look so damn fresh? *Melts into puddle of envy*

Bwahaha. BIIIIIIIITCH. Somebody better come get this ashy Medusa. Oh that’s right, she probably has no friends left. She stays committed to one thing: Herself - sooo dedicated to famewhoring and will ride whatever train it takes. Morals and ethics are clearly for the little people. Let us know when her Mueller

The nerve of this eurotrash milkmaid. After actively perpetrating birtherism against Honolulu Slim, she has the effrontery to follow him on Twitter? She and her Orange Shitler need to go deepthroat a chainsaw.

He said that when he tried to “meditate” away his high, he began to suspect that the next person he saw was going to rape him, so he grabbed a knife to protect himself. After using the knife to prevent his mom from molesting him and taking away his innocence ... he ran to a nearby school and removed all of his

Brava! BTW, is Caimille related to Mona Scott-Young by any chance? They look alike, based on the pic here.

WTF. How about you read the fvcking article from the Guardian in full, do your Googles and call Wikipedia too, while you’re at it? Earliest humans originated in Africa and migrated to other continents, where adaptation resulted in physical changes like white skin. And BTW, as shown in various African

Tamster! Never forget cocaine chicken!

This comment let me know she wasn’t playing:

Lawd, that interview was wilder than cocaine fried chicken! Had to cackle at:

Me neither! Never heard of this fucktard Owen or that fetid Crapaport fool until they showed their asses on Twitter and the Gram.

Whet. No wonder his death-warmed-over azz oozes creepiness!

I particularly enjoyed 5FootAssassin’s opener:

When I tell you I lived for the realtime takedown of this carcass of a nonentity! Then I promptly blocked his ass because spoiling my appetite with the sight of death-warmed-over isn’t my ministry. The nerve of the cocksplat fixing his gaping sore of a mouth to come for Janet.

I am SENT!

Or Togo. ...Or wherever else crafty Nigerians want you to think it’s in (because if it’s that fly, it must secretly really be in Nigeria 😩).