I don’t speak Hotesperanto. Please translate...
I don’t speak Hotesperanto. Please translate...
I don’t care if he’s KING Umar Johnson, a messy bitch is a messy bitch is a messy bitch. The issue has never been his credentials; this is a sideshow.
WHAT???? When has she supported POCs? Boyyyyyyyyyyyy
Hi, Todd!
Congrats to two deserving folks! I don’t often comment, but I would like the ability to!
Lol seeing if this will work...
I love this but Kinja will be a struggle. - BM
Carpet on the walls? No plastic on the sectional? Central air? Free parking? I think I’ll set a spell. Sup, everyone?
I hate change. Yet here I am...
Been lurking on VSB for legit 7 years (like may have only commented 3 times), but read every single day so... Give us us free! I don’t want to be greyed here on the off chance I’m moved to comment.
Yay for the move...no for this platform. I’ll just complain till I get a hang of it.
Microphone check
New comment section, who dis?
Nervously signs up for kinja despite all the unappealing comments regarding it. Only ever signed up online to comment on NegraWithTumbao.com and VerySmartBrothas.com , which is a BIG deal to someone who’s NOT tech-savvy.
Attempting another post but this format feels under surveillance.
Well i’m happy if they are happy
Change excites me. Glad to see familiar faces though!
Testing 1..2..3
This is great news. I literally go back and forth between the two sites . Two great tastes that taste great together .... I wrote “great” a lot , huh ?