"You can't even sleep on them!"
"You can't even sleep on them!"
"At first I wasn't too interested, then 3:50. Stop, zoom, enhance! Is that a nipple?"
But does it have particle cannons?
"Name one good game on it again? Because I can't think of one. What Wii game will we be talking about a decade from now?"
To be fair, you really seem to be the exception to the rule. The original model Xbox 360 is notorious for one of the worst failure rates in gaming history, and it's becoming increasingly rare to find a launch 360 that is still functioning. While a few Wiis must have had defects, they've never had any widespread…
Kid Icarus is sooooo damn fun, and loaded with content. Not to make you feel even worse about your decision, but... yeah, I guess we all screw up sometimes. ;)
Yep, I'll gladly take any excuse to bring David Lynch into the conversation. His films are contiguous with a certain dimension of my own experience that it seems isn't shared by any other filmmakers. I feel as if he must have been haunted in childhood by dreams and nightmares very similar to my own.
I prefer live streams to archived Let's Play videos for some reason. I often throw Justin.tv / Twitch.tv onto my TV (usually via Airplay) in the background while I'm working, and look up occasionally to be amused at what's happening. Yesterday it was some guy trying to speedrun Wind Waker, with all kinds of shortcuts…
It's true. Investors (or industry analysts, etc) and audiences (especially the louder voices online) are the worst enemies of a good project. Ignore them and make exactly what you want, then let it gain new fans or fail entirely on its own terms. The only alternative is mediocrity.
The walrus was Paul.
I'll be honest, I just want this thing so I can finally set up a perfect emulator box.
The bottom part is considerably thinner than a Vita, and has to be in order for the entire clamshell to remain slim when closed. It's an entirely different ballgame developing a hinged dual-screen device like this. 1/3 of your space is split off into the upper hinge, yet you can't do anything with it there. There's…
Well, duh. That's exactly what I said when the first article showed up here questioning the lack of a second circle pad on the XL. Anyone who said there's empty space on the right side wasn't paying attention.
Picture is not of Batman... that's Schumacherman. Common mistake. ;)