
You forgot to add: "And then Lot's daughters got him drunk and incest-raped him."

Sidenote: I went to a Catholic mass this weekend where the homily (which was about the Lazarus story) focused on 1. how the gospels interpreted the purpose of Jesus' death very differently 2. that John's idea focused less on Jesus dying for our sins but dying because God made flesh and it was part of God's covenant 3.

I've often though that the most interesting part of the Noah and the Ark story to me was after the flood when Noah gets rip roaring drunk and passes out. His son, Ham sees him drunk and naked and tells his brothers (and no I do not believe there was more than seeing going on, considering that the brothers walked

I will merely leave here the lyrics to a song from my days as a JCC camper, which was the extent of my education about Noah and would explain a LOT about this particular misconception. Imagine the cheeriest tune ever.

Yeah, I remember the moment when it dawned on me that the real story of Lot was that he offered up his two young daughters to be raped by a frenzied mob and that this was why God decided he alone was moral enough to save. Then his wife looked back as the only home shed ever known was destroyed in fire and brimstone

the only way I can imagine this thought process went:

Did you know North Korea is a republic instead of a dictatorship because their name is People's Republic of Korea? Its right in the name, dum dum!

I mean, clearly all those men goosestepping with their perfectly coiffed hair in Hugo Boss were a big gay army, and the pink triangles were just the people who rejected joining them, duhhhhh.

Did she say this in front of other people? I would go to HR too. I would document with them my high risk pregnancy as it relates to her comments and your weight/health. Your weight is none of her business and it is incredibly inappropriate for her to make comments on your pregnancy as your boss, not your doctor.

I disagree. I haven't read the GQ article yet but I would rather read articles about outlandish mutants with obvious psychological issues than another piece about how that actress from that one show loves wearing skirts and hates fake people.

It just goes to show how very sheltered this woman is, if the worst example of miscegenation she can think of is when two different kinds of White people hook up.

I think we can all agree that Russian-Armenian miscegenation is the root of all evil. I mean, good God, who wants to see Armenian man-nose on a little girl? Thank you, extremely-limited-worldview-Barbie, for giving voice to the downtrodden.

I have my moments (like right now, I am PMSing and want to kill everyone for no good reason) but I try to live by the golden rule. Like, no, I don't like it (at all) when people recline their seats. So I allow myself to stew for a few seconds then grow up and get over it. I am not confrontational (because frankly,

I don't know if I'm more in love with the rugs, or the enviously clutter-free living spaces, but either way I could absolutely live in these homes of wood, stars, and books.

It's a valid point, but perhaps horrible behaviour is more normalized in the US than here (Canada)? Even for the US tough, the fact that this was something they only did in private, within the frat itself, indicates that it's only within the fucked up insular fraternity culture where such things (at least to this

I realize people are already going off on you about this, but I just had to throw my two cents in. Here's why everyone's so fucking angry with you. This shit happens to women. Women get raped and killed every day. All the time. It's happening as I'm typing this. It's happening as you're reading this. Chances are, you

Privilege, party of alphakappa. Privilege, party of alphakappa.

There is this thing called growing up that you have obviously not done. We don't tell other adults to suck it up. We work to change things and make them better. We call out this behavior and work to fix it. We SHOULD be shocked by this sort of thing. We don't throw up our hands and say "oh well". Hand-waving it

And there's this thing called consideration, you obviously haven't heard of it, but we all happen to go through different experiences ; some of them disagreeable or even shitty!