
But for the gay student who has to come to school and sit by them, you don't t. nk that creates a hostile environment? The standard for hostile learning environment is different for the one for hate speech. They have a right to their beliefs, but we wouldn't let kids wear t-shirts that said something similar about a

No no no. Don't pay her any never mind. She is too blinded from having her head stuck up her asshole to have an opinion worth listening to.

All the children should have been removed from the home. I wonder why they weren't.

Admin dude is just trying to intimidate and manipulate. He doesn't care if what he says is true or not.

I can't edit my comment. I think she has rights in the moral sense, those no one can take away. In the legal sense I don't know what rights she has under NC law. Oh NC, you have beautiful mountains and beaches, but you have some serious problems you need to straighten out now.

If her gender and name are legally female, why did they even detain her? How did they know she was transgender? Are they planning to do this to any "masculine" looking woman exiting the bathroom?

When people preach hate and homophobia, this is what they are supporting. That poor little kid. I wish he'd been mine. I would have loved him and let him express himself however he wanted. Four years old. Those people are monsters.

And "princess culture" is a lot more than a small preference for a subset of toys. It is the exclusion of all other roles for girls but being the object of romantic attention. Even playing Mommy is an activity excluded from princess culture. The princess remains a beautiful bride forever. She does not grow or change,

Unless you remove a child from the child's culture, it is impossible to determine whether any preference is biological or cultural. Examining a bunch of different patriarchal cultures does not control for the effects if living in a patriarchal culture.

I was confused at first too, because I thought you were talking about the penalty for the killer, that if he killed her because of drug addiction he should face a lesser sentence. Which didn't sound like you, hence the confusion.

So if we were hit by a storm like this and it knocked out all of our electronic systems for years, would we no longer have any idea how much money anyone had or owed?

You know, she already hid behind a door moments before and he just broke down the door to grab her by the throat and throw her to the floor. Now she is supposed to feel safe behind another door and hide till he goes away? Same kind of door?

I would like the dim light. Different strokes.

It should apply. The judge ruled that it didn't because he believed that going out to the garage and coming back in were two separate incidents. He ignored the fact that the man had just broken through a door to grab her by the throat and throw her to the floor. But after going to the garage and being unable to get

Thanks! Very cool!

What is this picture from?

I just wish that people who think Gabrielle Union shouldn't feel like it's bad to be a victim would ask what made her feel that way. Do we live in a society where people are supposed to get right back to work and pretend everything is okay so everyone else can be comfortable? I don't think we should blame her for

Bueller? Bueller?

If that were the reason, the law would apply to every major crime, not just rape.

We got rid of DirectTV and are antenna only now, which doesn't get NBC, so no Olympics for us. Those first two options are legal? And could I get Doctor Who if I pay for a license? I am in the US.