
As someone married to a super talented guy who pours his whole heart and soul into his art and who knows how hard it is to make it financially in the art world, it was the whole "Ew, art. Why don't you get a REAL job" that made me personally want to punch her in the eye.

Apart from the heavy-handed assonance and alliteration (take meds plx) and the general nonsensical barrage of outsize words, I'm not entirely convinced she wrote it.

My mother always told us that Santa is a spirit, not a man, and so he has no true appearance. Rather, he is the essence of the spirit of charity, warmth, and goodwill that you feel at the holidays. Therefore all the people you see at the mall or in the store or at the festival are just inhabited by the spirit and

The thing is, Santa is SUPPOSED to be magical. So why not just tell kids this:

WTF dude. You could've just said "child molesters", we didn't need a graphic description of specific acts.

This comment needs a trigger warning or something. Jesus.

When I lived in SLC, I heard the anti-FLDS argument that polygamy should be legalized, because then fundies would not be eligible for welfare, resulting in less polygamy. After all, not every man can afford four large families like the guy on Big Love, apparently. In reality, just a few royal families left over from

Are we supposed to be on Team Shitty Lady Who Puts Up Offensive Light Display? Because I'm definitely not.

She sounds like more of a juvenile asshole than a BAMF.

I'd be pretty pissed off if there was a giant middle finger in Christmas lights shining into my living room for 3 weeks of the year.

What a truly noble cause to champion.

That's awful. But also, lets pretend you were adopted. Who goes up to someone, who, at that point, the believe has adopted a child, and tells them horror stories about other adoptions?!

It seems like a very reasonable request for someone to ask their neighbor not to have a giant glowing middle finger planted in the front yard.

Emma Thompson

Minnie Driver. That is all.

I'll repeat what I posted in the other comment thread since it seems more likely to be noticed here. I think the obvious choice is Helena Bonham Carter. She's got whimsy in spades and she can rock the look, whatever it might end up being:

Sarah Alexander, for your consideration:

"I'll get over the emotional stuff, but my pride is another thing, that same pride that gives me the balls to approach women in the first place. You shouldn't be able to get away with this shit." I wouldn't be surprised if this basically summed up your entire perspective. 'I should be allowed to humiliate a woman and

“Did you know there’s a direct correlation between the decline in Spirograph and the rise in gang activity? Think about it.”