
Just in case of a leak, you don't want to be wearing your cutest pair.

It's not ridiculous to work for healthier food choices for everyone, not just fat people. It's not a bad thing to encourage and empower everyone to move, not just fat people. Make it about health for everyone and not about fat people and it is a whole different ball game. And it has a better effect on health than

I always think mine isn't that bad too, but there is a personality type and a pattern of behavior that a lot of these guys have in common. You're the only other person I've heard from who got out because you recognized the warning signs. I used to say I started seeing myself on Oprah. I think we were both lucky to

Oh, it's been a lot of years since then. I forgot to add the encouraging bit, which was that it was mostly just breaking the habit of being with someone that was difficult, and it really wasn't hard. The threat came out of the blue near the end. The phone thing had been like a month before. I really couldn't believe

I broke up with a guy who had the warning signs too. Always criticizing me and then claiming it was just a joke, tried to separate me from friends and family, tried to police my wardrobe, got pissed one time when I was chatting with a phone surveyer about arts on television and grabbed the phone from me and threw it

Really? REALLY? Didn't your mother teach you how to act? Wipe, flush, and wash your hands after you poop. Nobody here wants to see that.

Oh My God! It's still going on?

Or when I fly with a family member. I fit in the seat, but the corner of the bottom of the armrest is sharp and hurts my hip. I don't spill into the next seat if it's up, I just don't get jabbed the whole flight.

She doesn't need to be deified for it to be a crime that she was murdered. There are no perfect victims. All of us deserve protection under the law.

Mmm! Commenting so I can find this later! (Why can't I select text to copy on my phone!)

Yep. And then he describes those attitudes as "not racist." They aren't racist, see, it's just that interracial families make them vomit, that's all. Seriously?

That can be fixed.

I have felt unhappy with my weight, but I appreciate Zelda's comment. I am bucking the trend and loving my body the way it is in spite of a society full of ads and messages and workplace pressures telling me not to. Do you respond "You do you" to all the diet and weight loss surgery ads and advice you see? We're so

I know 4 people who've had the surgery. One is still thin but says it was the worst decision of her life. She is miserable and in pain. One gained all the weight back. One had a total personality change and not for the better and her life is a mess. One is happy and has only gained some weight back.

Fantasy dialogue:
"Well in that case, I don't think I have any houses that will suit you."
"What, you only work in black neighborhoods?"
"What then?"
"All these neighborhoods have restrictions on line drying clothes. Where will you hang your white sheets and hoods?"

Some people say the group is their higher power. Or their higher self. Only the first step is about the higher power. I don't have personal experience to share, sorry, but that's what I've got. I know there are alternatives to AA but I think the difference is more trying to moderate drinking rather than a religious

A very very funny old person maybe!

I think that is something different. Same as if you dressed as a black cat.

I think it's because you can't escape the context. And because it hurts real people and their feelings matter. If your friend has to explain his intent, it's too late.

It is problematic not to have sufficient means to fulfill one's vivid wishes and bold. Yes it is problematic not to know the tiny secrets of the happy pals that know the secrets to make the delightful sums of cash for rest and fun. You are right to assume the secrets are for knowing. Call now have your credit card