Me too!
Me too!
The thing is, a movie with a girl protagonist is marketed with a gender neutral title and a male character added so it will appeal to boys, but a movie with a male character does not get modified for girls. A story about a boy is seen as a story for everyone, while a story about a girl is seen as a special interest…
Saying he has issues is not the same as diagnosing him. I'd rather acknowledge that he may well be very troubled than call him a douche and mock him.
And Sinead was so generous in saying Miley could be famous for her great music. Miley should be glad to have such a compliment from an artist like Sinead, even though I think she exaggerated Miley's "talent" to be nice and take the sting out of the letter.
Really? Shit! I saw that movie about the Magdalene place. So horrifying.
If the Bin Laden costume had a rubber mask that clearly identified the character, then maybe we could just call it bad taste. But the effect of a beard and a turban Halloween costume is a hateful joke about people who look like that in real life. It doesn't matter what it says on the package. It matters how it comes…
You are right on top of it. That is exactly it.
Utterly so much better 30's than 20's. In my 20's I was still so angsty and everything was a sign - what does it MEANNNN? Finally I just calmed down and got over it. You can't get bent so out of shape over every slight or disappointment forever - eventually you burn those sensors out. I guess I am saying I am more…
I had some therapy that was supposed to help with pelvic pain but it wasn't like others are describing. We worked on strengthening and loosening muscles in my back, abdomen, butt, hips, thighs...Their philosophy was it was part of a whole system of muscle dysfunction. They did heat and electro stem too. I did feel…
How would you LIKE to be in the classroom? If you feel okay with what you are doing, the persona you are projecting, maybe you will be happier even if the behavior takes time to improve. Don't try to be a kind of teacher that you aren't. Maybe decide which behaviors are a real problem for you and which you are strict…
Google "chimera." Then explain to me what happens to those two individual human beings when two fertilized eggs fuse in the womb and grow into one human being. Does this being have two souls? If not, what happened to the other one? Blastocysts can fuse between 5 to 8 days after fertilization. Meanwhile there are…
To me it indicates a person who is not very knowledgeable about music. Most of the students in my music apprec. classes will say they like everything except rap or country. Some of them cannot articulate any type of music they like. They like "everything" or "whatever is on the radio." The ones who say they like…
Lakota women living near Leith stole their Nazi flag and burned it!
I think they are cheap. Like Lifetime movies. Too "ripped from the headlines" for me.
If only I could Photoshop some duckface on there! He is clearly VERY proud of the belt buckle.
Wow. I got really mad when he had her look in the mirror and tried to reduce all of who she is to a stereotype. Who the hell is he to tell her who she is?
I read that too. I had believed the pill interfered with implantation until recently when science said it isn't so. I don't have a problem with it either way, but some are saying the religious right's objection to the pill on this account makes no scientific sense AT ALL and so - well - I guess it's not any dumber…
Shit, now I feel bad for commiserating with you on another post! I have a whole new angle on adjunct soulsucking over there. Maybe you should not read it and start drinking instead.
Oh hell yes!
Yeah, ladies, you've got one site on Gawker already. Can't you stay away and let men have the rest of them without being bothered by the fact that you exist and have opinions? Sheesh...