
You'll still have to watch him constantly, but if you put out lots of things that are safe to play with, you'll have an easier time. I bet there are a million things in your home that a baby could play with. Box of tissues? Magic! Two liter bottle with stuff inside is fun to roll. Pots and pans are drums if you give

Mine are 14 months apart, and it actually helps that they are into the same things when they are both out of the baby stage. They play together really well. I didn't give birth to them, so I can only empathize with you about being pregnant or having a baby and a toddler. My youngest was 18 mos. when we adopted them.

I'm interested! How would your daydream character fit into the show? Seems like a good place for some fanfic!

We managed to refer to "the artist formerly known as Prince." Shouldn't this be easier? I can pronounce Chelsea.

Well it's fine for a meal, but it sounds like this place wants to keep them under control instead if letting them do what kids are supposed to do. They are easier to deal with strapped in chairs I am sure, and maybe they are learning stuff, but they need to be learning how to be in a classroom with other kids. Fine

I think there is NO WAY children should be strapped in high chairs at a daycare AT ALL. They need to be moving and developing their motor control. And maybe they "remedied" the food issue, but did their fundamental attitudes about children change? I'd try to find something else.

I had that feeling about a man once. He was just everything I wanted but lived across the country from me. We listened to the conventional wisdom and almost didn't get together, but we found there was no way to avoid missing someone by pretending you aren't thinking about them. It took us 2 years to get to that point.

I remember that story a bit. Not sure of the details but you didn't dream it.

I don't think there is winning and losing in life the way you imagine it. Stuff just happens. You didn't deserve to be bullied, and that is true whether you have an awesome life now or not. If you came down with a chronic disease tomorrow that severely limited your ability to live your life, would she be the winner

Ah, thank you!

Would somebody with posting privileges please look into the murder of Molly Young by her ex-boyfriend police dispatcher? The case has been closed due to lack of evidence, though the official record has plenty of evidence that is being ignored. Both the ex-boyfriend's parents also work for the police and it appears

I guess I am not so concerned about kids who seek it out as little kids who get it accidentally. My daughter is 7. She knows about all her body parts and her brother's parts with proper names. She knows about periods and tampons. She knows about childbirth and has seen it on TV. That is okay with me. Does she

I mean pay-per-view porn.

I am confused. Doesn't this just say parental controls will be the default setting, and if you don't want that, you un-tick a box? How is that different privacy-wise than your company being able to tell what you downloaded or got from pay-per- view? It's not like you have to sign your name to a piece of paper, is

I have heard Disney offers injured people a big settlement if they sign a gag order on the spot.

I agree with you that the laws should be changed. But I don't think the existing laws were interpreted correctly in this case either. There are at least two levels of injustice here, probably some I haven't thought of. One other is the way the crime scene and investigation were handled in the first place. I think

What about all the black kids who continue to get treated like criminals and shot to death as a consequence of this ruling legitimizing what Zimmerman did? That is a larger picture equally worth considering alongside the risk of convicting an innocent man in the future, isn't it?

The National Bar Association disagrees with the verdict. They issued a written statement.