
Fuck you, Mike Pence. You Hank Hill’s father looking ass. You god damn funeral insurance actor looking ass. You fucking hateful lego figure looking ass. Go to hell, you fucking parasitic worm wearing a white wig coming out of Donald Trumps asshole. I hope you fucking rot.

I’m too burned out on this election to say something edifying so fuck this guy and fuck the other guy too.

I think that is the first Cher tweet I have ever been able to comprehend...kind of

She is pretty.

I got one pamphlet that told the story of Stephen who “used to be gay” but “now has two kids”...

I googled his DoB just to make sure that I hadn’t missed that Shkrelli was some sort of young wunderkind who had blown through school before starting a career in business at a really young age, because I could not imagine a grown man being this proud of behaving like a 11 year old.

I’m so sorry. It’s a sad thing to lose a family member like that.

I’d say that’s a joke, but knowing her and her unawareness of everything that isn’t white, wealthy, skinny, famous or nepotism, I’d guess probably not.

Are you being serious? These clutches were a real thing?

I find everything about Gwyneth Paltrow to be basic, boring, and bland. You can buy those types of clothes anywhere so anyone who likes the idea of pay $500+ more for a classic white button up is my definition of a hollow individual.

He says whatever will work or feels right in the moment.

I’ve never been convinced that Trump particularly hates Latinos, women, Blacks, Jews, gays or anybody else. Most likely, Trump is simply sociopathic, narcissistic, insecure, confused, and empty.

“We need to be praying for Hillary Clinton. There’s special needs there, there’s mental impairment...”

Yeah I mean I feel like this lady thought she’d get more intrigue by a click baity title. There’s nothing inherently feminist about abstinence, in fact I’d say if your motivation is based on a commandment from a patriarchal religion then there’s an argument to be made that it is not feminist at all. I really don’t

Feel free to disagree with me. Here’s my take. Choosing chastity as a woman isn’t feminism. Choosing chastity as a woman and having the right to not be judged as less or more of a human being because of it is feminism.

In a world where you can name your child Jermajesty Jackson, anything goes.

Dozens of Hapless People Will Spend the Night Stuck in a Cable Car High Above the French Alps

Does the average voter really care about any of this? I have a hard time believing this is what matters to most people. It all feels like inside baseball to me and I can’t imagine most voters are spending that much time on this issue one way or the other.

Paris is reportedly living off an $8 million-a-year allowance from her father’s estate and Snoddy is reportedly a member of a “psychedelic drum corp.”