Non-Smoking Lifeboats

I’m just glad she’s talking about nails.

more of a part 4...

Ashley: Do senators know when the rent is due? 

An absolute fucking joke. A one time payment of $1,200?

His biggest challenge right now is to stay awake.

this is unreasonable but hey I’m in a lockdown....

it’s not funny but Trump is killing his own MAGA voters. 

The Post spoke to a lifelong resident of Montauk, who suggested blowing up the bridges so that the rich—and their coronavirus—can’t come in.


and another one

so this is the day he dumped the stock

Meanwhile, it has been reported that despite meeting with Fabio Wajngarten, the recently diagnosed top aide to Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, President Donald Trump has tested negative.

I chime in with a
“Haven’t you people ever heard of closing a goddamn store?”

They could have cancelled all student debt today but instead Feds gave the banks $1.5 TRILLION dollars for a 30 minute delay in the stock market crashing.

Hey odango atama, play that “Curb Your Enthusiasm” music please...

Fuck Donald Trump 

mfucker is more bipolar than the polar bear at the South Pole.

you can’t even make this shit up

someone had their last day at Axios