

I am always amazed at the downright hostile responses I see from some of the bloggers on this site. I get wanting to go off every once in a while when someone in the comments section is being a complete douche about criticizing your work, but there are a few around here that will go in on somebody for the smallest

I’m interested in the portion sizes here. My understanding is that the “Teigan Diet” is “make a lot of food, eat a little bit of it, share the rest with someone else or use it as a photo prop.” I don’t mean this as shade. I think her glutton identity is obviously a PR myth, but I’m curious if its more true than it

Come on, dude. I’m poking fun. You guys aren’t shills, but it’s a little rich to claim THERE IS NO ADVERTISING GOING ON HERE, NOPE, NO SIREE when you stick a big BUY HERE button at the bottom (and, let’s not forget, “may get a small share of the sale when you purchase something through these channels”). Clearly your

I’d argue that any positive review that included a ‘Buy Now’ button where the publishing site gets a cut pretty much is an advertisement.

It’s like a mean girls dogpile and kind of strikes me as unprofessional all around.

I’m kind of disappointed in how shitty the staff’s reaction is to OP. Yeah, you’re advertising. Yeah, we can fucking see it. OP wasn’t even hating on it.

Maybe not, I dunno. I’m guessing that you guys are super sensitive about this because if you weren’t, your legal team would freak.

I often enjoy jezebel, but let me tell you, if you allow yourself to criticize anything jezebel does, the responses are agressive at worst and pseudo arrogant (sorry Kara, but not the first time seeing your “lol” to a perfectly fine criticism) at best

“we may get a small share of the sale when you purchase something through these channels”

Friend, when your article exists for a vehicle for a “buy now on Amazon” button, it’s an ad. Let’s be real.

I...don’t think Chrissy teigen is out of “our (/my) league”. I like her, I’d have drink with her, but I don’t think anything she does/has done is out of my damn league (and I think that’s part of why people like her). I don’t include marrying a Grammy winning person an “accomplishment.” I’m insecure but frankly just

i am so sick of listening to skinny, beautiful women talk about how much they love to eat and they eat so much, and they love food, and food that is BAD FOR THEM, and isn’t it so cute because they are still so skinny and beautiful! please.

I don’t even mind this absolutely shameless advertisement because I really like Chrissy Teigen.

It’s not just the video. Do you see how busy that bus is? Not everyone on it was involved in the assault. The police officers interviewed several bystanders, who all said that the black women were the ones who initiated the assault. Now, don’t get me wrong, you can go ahead and believe that everybody lied if you want,

“the disappointment among students that the false report accusation might overshadow serious cases of racism on campus.”

the problem with me is that their story was just so over the top. They claimed they were surrounded by people kicking them. The reality is there was an altercation words were said and the video ensued. If the story had been the reality from the get go we could have a conversation about racial slurs being used on

Still, there’s debate over whether the video of the incident released tells the full story about what could’ve incited the women accused of assault.

This is why people need to stop rushing to humiliate and trash people publicly and instead wait for actual information to surface before reacting to stuff like this.

Can you even see anyone trying to hit anyone? I presume this is what happened only because it looks like people are trying to hold someone apart, as to prevent a fight, but it’s so chaotic I couldn’t make it out. In my experience, people get offended over the dumbest things on public transit. I had a woman who was so