
I know, but I figured, since I’m grey, I wouldn’t be promoting the idiot. Troll or not, he’s also unfortunately saying what a many say, including “feminists” like Christina Hoff Summers. Pathetic bunch.

Women don’t make children by themselves, for themselves, as some kind of idiosyncratic hobby. They should have partners sharing the burden. Societ should share the burden too. Also, fuck you.

Because it would help women. Policies that would help women aren't popular.

I wonder if abandoning enforcement in this area wouldnt’t be better for everyone. Think of the police time savings, the social justice aspects, the judicial time savings, the jailing cost savings, versus total lost fares for the transportation company. In terms of advantages versus costs, do we have any reason to

Can someone explain this post to me? Is there a joke here? What is going on?

Me too, I loved that part.

Right? What a kid. So she’s 11. A mere 24 years to go and she becomes eligible for the presidency. Marley 2040!!!

Thank you for the laugh!

Was her team 90% white, like this picture?

Ha, came here looking for his observation as soon as I saw the picture. Kind of incredible to see that sea of whiteness.

there seem to be genuine lessons to learn from their story. Wondering what you are objecting to.

So on the day he says Cosby is innocent you say he is too good for his wife? What does he have to do to lose your respect, eat a dessert made of his own feces on stage?

We definitely need more details about which parts of the genitalia are cut in order to find out how much indignation we should feel.

Once you know your daughter won’t get married if she isn’t cut, of course you do it. They do it because the people with the power - men - require it.

Israel’s continued occupation of Gaza is also to blame.

Crazy pills here too. It’s like blaming an abstraction (religion) is so much worse in these people’s minds than actually blaming the people, so they defend the abstraction to the bitter end. I don’t make any distinctions between the two. The religion IS what people DO. For fuck’s sake.

Yes, but it’s so that men would marry the girls. Men will not marry the “dirty” uncut girls. And men aren’t allowed to be close to the virgins’ vaginas, so it has to be the women doing the cutting. So yes, it’s for the men.

Ooh, that clarifies it quite a bit actually, thank you!

ha, totally the same here. “So... how does bird do anything sexual with a bee?”

If we have to have a metaphor, can we at least use mammals? When I was learning English and came across the “birds and the bees,” I had no idea what that could possibly be about.