
This is also why genre shows keep getting renewed. Even if they have a niche audience, it’s a loyal niche audience that will watch every week. This is why, for example, Supernatural or even Doctor Who has lasted so long. You’re guaranteed to sell the advertising and if you make back more in merch than the show cost to

I think the problem is that Netflix’s business model really doesn’t mesh with traditional multi-season television shows, which is why they’re so jumpy to cut their loses and cancel shows.

There is cancellation and there is postponement.

While I’m ranting:

I honestly don’t know why anyone would get into a non-limited Netflix series at this point.

“Girlfriends” was a beautifully written show. It was full of universal themes of friendship and romance. The name might have been offputting to men, but Darnelle and William were two of the best characters in the ensemble and they were fully realized.

Holy smokes, that looks really good. No Emma Stone but I can look past that.

I’m pleased that I saved some time by beginning my dislike of Redmayne years ago.

Boooooo Eddie.  I knew the kid who played Ron was better then you!

He also played a person with severe physical disabilities!

I remain super perplexed that Rowling has chosen this hill to die on.  There’s no explaining bigotry, I guess.

Meanwhile, Judith Butler was asked the same question by the New Statesman and positively ethered the interviewer:

Huh, the first gave me a headache. I’ve no intention to watch anymore.

They’re at least equally shitty. But no, defending Rowling is worse.

It’s nice when a bigot makes it very easy to boycott their stuff because their stuff is garbage these days.

God I hate those movies. The first was kinda fun the second gave me a fucking headache. I'm done.

he’s obviously an expert on the issue.
...being a cis man who played a trans woman in a movie.

This guy is a bad actor, always has been.

We, white men, will never cease to disappoint.