
I think enough of us can grasp nuance. It’s not exactly a mystery when someone does something in bad faith and says they didn’t mean any harm. We’re not going to start forgiving Nazis who said they were just following orders, are we?

Terranigma is, for my money, one of the two or three best games on the SNES. Even if you didn’t care for Soul Blazer or Illusion of Gaia, give that one a shot. It’s a work of art, and it’s utterly criminal that the article didn’t feature it.

Hell, even Psycho has a long, rambilng coda about how Norman Bates shouldn’t be considered a transvestite, all the way back in 1960.

Some writers do it to distinguish one genre or series from another.

Such as Megan Lindholm/Robin Hobb or Ashley Gardner/Jennifer Ashley.

Bur I’m sure Rowling does it to be an asshole.

Why does she write under a pseudonym when everyone knows it is her. I mean, I get it if you do it once and nobody knows it is actually you, but this just seems silly.

And even Silence of the Lambs, which certainly plays with the trope, takes the time to explain that Buffalo Bill wasn’t trans. Like, they have a whole plot point where they look for the killer through folks getting reassignment surgery (which, yikes) and the breakthrough is that he didn’t qualify because he isn’t

Or, hear me out, it’s okay to like things that influenced you as a kid and it’s okay to be bummed out when the author is revealed to be a bigot.

Before anyone claims otherwise.  Transvestite serial killers aren't a thing.  It all comes from Ed Gein supposedly have a suit made out of women's anatomy.  He wasn't transgender though, neither was Jerry Brudios the shoe slayer.  This idea stems from Dressed to Kill and Silence of the Lambs.  In other words, JK

The good news:

Jeez louise, the millions of people who built an entire personality around liking a series of chidlren’s books must be having a rough one.

No love for Illusion of Gaia (SNES)? You play as Will, a young man who was mysteriously the only survivor from his father’s expedition to the Tower of Babel a year ago. He fights with a flute, but can also use it for telekenesis as well as music.

cool story bro

I like Nolan movies. I want to see this movie. Nevertheless, WB can huff my nuts on this one. Your movie isn’t worth putting people’s lives at risk for, you dumb suits. Even if we get a vaccine soon and it’s safe to go to the theater I’m going to wait and pirate this movie because fuck y’all.

I have to say that the Tenet ads I see, specifically “BIG MOVIES ARE BACK IN CHICAGO” piss me off to a near-murderous degree.

That’s why I said I married her before she was invented :)

I am so happy the world loves Kamala Khan as much as I seem to. I am bias because I am married to an American born Pakastani woman who grew up loving Miss Marvel comics, so I kinda married her before she was invented :).

Remember in 2016, when Rock refused to support either presidential nominee because “he has friends on both sides” and someone as influential like him could push some people in the right direction.

Thanks for the response. I think I pretty much agree with your points, and describing him as someone driven by “a small set of anxieties” is a description I wish I had thought of.

But I diverge from you a little when it comes to describing Interstellar as a story about (in part) a man afraid of losing his children;

So will Elizabeth Debicki be murdered in this one, too? Presumably she will, but only if she’s someone’s love interest. It’s kind of Nolan’s thing.

I love Nolan’s films, even when they’re pretty stupid (see: Interstellar, a tonal mess but it has so many great moments) and Inception is a movie I’ll just love forever—I’m

I love Nolan, but this is just a mess. I had no idea what was happening in the final section of the film. There’s no way it would be getting so many “just sit back and enjoy it” good reviews if it was anyone but Nolan.