
I’m not volunteering, mind.

Fuck that guy

Sheesh, she’s only 18, don’t write her off yet.

Maybe her casting is a tribute to the Melissa Joan Hart.

Dammit I want to see human sacrifices, cats & dogs living together, MASS HYSTERIA!

As someone with a lot of anxiety, I really identify with that quote. If I take pride in something I do, I’m opening myself up to more attacks when people don’t like it. If I refuse to let people’s opinion—positive or negative—into my heart, then I’m much safer.

Weird, I somehow managed to live through the 80s and 90s and am still able to be liberal minded about most things. Guess they need to step up their game.

Promoting Pizzagate is just “wrongthink”? It mystifies me that this kind of absolute bullshit is being played off as some “conservative” counterbalance to the standard “liberal” entertainment.

Your “question no one here will answer” got answered by someone here in 25 minutes. That victory lap was a short one.

Because nobody gives as much of a shit as you think.

Not to mention that the opposition to Roseanne Conner is a characature of Jill Stein, Berny and Hillary supporters.... which is the only way supporting Trump looks like just another opinion.

Heres the thing, I seriously doubt the majority of viewers know or even care about Real Roseanne’s politics. The only reason I know about it is from coming on here and reading about it. Fine, she’s a crazy right-wing bitch. Am I so weak that I’m going to let her ideology sneak into my mindset by watching her show?

I feel it should be pointed out that separating the artist from the art only really works if whatever grief you have with the artist isn’t found in the art. You can’t really separate the artist from the art when the artist has made their opinions known an issue (Transgender) and then stars in an episode preaching


the problem is not that the show isn’t political - it is & i’m all for political shows - but that the politics are odious to many & the people behind the show would like those who don’t support those politics to watch the show anyway. (sorry for that long sentence.) they ought to embrace what they’re doing instead of

Yeah, I don’t see how “Let’s take a crap all over diverse television” isn’t having an agenda. The agenda is clear, and it’s racism. 

No agenda whatsoever. We just casually toss out that they’re regular Americans who voted for Trump. No big deal. It’s not as if expressing support for Donald Trump is an inherently political statement.

Really..who in the hell is watching this?

It’s not so much the Trump support and it’s a disingenuous deflection to make it about that. It’s the odious bigoted views and lunatic conspiracy theories she’s throwing out there that’s the problem. (Now, hey, there does seem to be a strong overlap between her views and Trump’s and many of his supporters, but just

If your show is “balanced” without an “agenda”, then you’re just advocating for the status quo and mealy-mouthed apathy. Every show has politics in it; you just might be inured from seeing them since they conform to your world view.