
It’s not a good guess, it’s correct. You’re also right though, it’s an Eminem coined term, but that’s reportedly its meaning. 

I dropped Facebook awhile ago because I got sick of finding out that most of people I grew up with are racist and/or addicted to opioids. Those are the joys of growing up in Ohio I guess.

Kind of ironic that he made the statement on Twitter, which was just as bad (if not worse) as far as Russian interference in the elections went.

I heard people ask the same thing after season one. I asked the same thing after season one. And I was surprised by how much I liked their answer.

What a bullshit easy concept. Why not a show where a man goes around and questioning how stupid the idea of God is? Or even if there was a God why in the Hell would you follow him? If somebody’s real life father acted like God he’d be thrown in prison for life.

Oh, man, I hadn’t even considered it not getting renewed. The CW and Netflix have conditioned me to forget about such things as cancellation!

Good for him. Now where’s my Search Party renewal?

Not only could he have, but she begged him to. He fucked up bad.

The other day, for whatever reason, I thought about Glee and what a bizarre, fucking mess of a TV show it was. Ryan Murphy shouldn’t be given ongoing series, he should stick to just single-season anthology shows. He found a niche, why we he go back to something that he obviously has no talent for?

Thank god, the definitive opinion on Uma Therman’s acting ability has arrived. We can all ignore the fact that she just came forward about her multiple experiences with sexual assault, which absolutely isn’t the point of this article.

The withheld footage and the active abuse in the name of “stunt double” (that he has done to other women on other sets) is the damning shit, and pretty much prove that what she’s saying is correct.

Yeah, not gonna lie, I’m bummed out about that, as Kill Bill is my favorite Tarantino movie.

She’s a goddess walking the earth.

Aww I loved her in The Producers, actually.

First: what happened to Uma is a travesty, and I hope there are serious consequences.

Watched her on the Late Show last night. It’s dumbfounding how powerful this person is.

So when is Tarantino going down?

Completely agree with you. I enjoy the show due to the quieter, more subtle moments like you mentioned. The overemphasizing on Jack’s death definitely hurts the show. But I’m glad they’re finally revealing it. Just so that it’s over and done with and we get to the good stuff again. I really want to see how the family

That’s a fair assessment. It’s true that in spite of BR2049's many flaws (and its length) it really didn’t wear out its welcome. Watching it was still a great experience. It just strikes me as odd that the critical assessments of BR2049 I’ve seen glosses over the flaws to an extent I’ve not seen for other films.

So Blade Runner 2049 gets a pass on its bad dialogue, lame pseudo-philosophical text (and sub text), undeveloped anti-capitalist message, excessive brooding, and nudity but this show gets called out for them. I haven’t seen AC so I can’t defend it but it does seem a little unfair.