
Yeah, I don’t remember people being nostalgic for the 80's in the 90's. There were specific cultural artefacts people wanted to keep around, but full-on nostalgia, I don’t think it was like that. *Certainly* not fashion, ferfuckssakes.

“Everything Sucks” sounds like the title of next Taylor Swift hit single.

how bout you just watch it, enjoy it and ignore that other bs... or if you decide to watch FOX News to take care of your insatiable desire, can you not bring it up in the comments of show recaps? Most of us would just rather talk about why this show is awesome.

I can’t believe this. Surely, you’re lying to us! I mean, come on! There was a second season?

Damn I’ll miss it in a weird sort of way. Season 2 was a genuine improvement in many ways over season 1. I wonder where Austin Butler will end up next.

I saw him at the end of his Hedwig run in LA and was frankly shocked at how well he played the complexities of that character. It seems like Broadway boot camp was just what he needed.

Never enough.

I hope they take a page out of Gotham’s textbook and drop the MOTW stories (in this case, save the “mutant of the week”) and delve further into their mythology with a heavy dollop of action for Season Two.

I wish I was lonely. That would mean I actually got time to myself. No sir, I live with my wife and THREE daughters.. All ages 10 and under. I’d KILL for loneliness. I get maybe a little time before work and everyone wakes up and that’s about it.

I’m sure women can probably fuck things up like us if we just give them the opportunity. Women can do anything.

This is pathetic. Seriously, who is that threatened by a film that has a strong woman? I know that’s rhetorical, but it’s just sad.

Imaginary hat!

Hulu is kicking Netflix’s ass.

“What was I laughing at again? Oh, yes. That crippled Irishman.”

Trump’s humor reminds me of Monty Burns laughing hysterically as a window washer clings for life outside Burn’s office window, or his howl of laughter at Itchy butchering Scratchy.

Trump isn’t utterly humorless. We’ve seen consistently that there’s exactly one thing he finds amusing: the misfortune and suffering of others. He’s humorless about himself, but he revels in seeing others hurt and demeaned.

One more thing which illustrates the absolutely brutal contrast between Obama and Trump as human beings and leaders is humor. Obama is so casually and naturally humorous (including self depreciating humor) and Trump is utterly humorless (especially self depreciating humor).

Yeah, the idea that someone's bigoted rhetoric is cancelled out by them pal-ing around with those groups is already annoyingly popular, but it sounds like this book goes even further to argue it's better to be that way than someone who is 'politically correct' (read: respectful) but doesn't have any gay friends.

You can be a selective bigot. It amazes me how many white people refuse to realize that many bigots have positive relationships (from their POV) with one or two people of color.

This book piqued my interest, but after that review I think I'll give it a miss. I've had the whole "old racist homophobes are good people in their own way" thing rammed down my throat non-stop for two years now, I'm tired