
It's not really a homosexual relationship, and it's hard to call what they have homoromantic either cause the idea of anything resembling genuine romance being felt by Hannibal seems implausible. I think it's homopsychological if that's even a word (it's not). They're tethered to each other and they care about each

Yup he whispered to Miggs all night. The prisoner flicked his semen at Starling as she was leaving and Hannibal, being well-mannered, found it unspeakably ugly.

Brett Ratner wouldn't know nuance if it flew right into his face and blinded him which hopefully happens soon so he'll stop directing movies.

Re: the Blake poem, it's both isn't it? That's the power of metaphor right, to simultaneously evoke literal and symbolic meaning.

That's unfortunate that you feel that way - I thought it was riveting. A tense and revealing conversation between the wife and the mistress - their juxtaposition, his empathy/vulnerability - her defensive cunning/cruelty.

Also, the CG vision of D as the Great Red Dragon in Hannibal's office is taken directly from the Blake watercolor "The Number of the Beast is 666"

You guys added a "the" to the title - I think it's "…And the Woman Clothed in Sun" which is how the watercolor is titled.

He tends to do important supporting roles in big budget movies - he was the elf king in all three Hobbit movies and the big bad in Guardians of the Galaxy as well as the main character in a series called Pushing Daisies.

Yeah my phrasing made it seem like I was saying she regretted the abortion when what I meant to say was that the secret of the abortion was weighing on her.

Donna starts crying in the bathroom in response to Gordon's suggestion that they might have another child in the future.

That final shot!

I laughed pretty hard during the Freud orgasm scene.

I think the inclusion of an explanation of the singularity in the first episode factors in here. Leo is probably a Synth designed and built by Synths as the next step in their evolution. A Synth indistinguishable from humans.

This show is seriously the worst.

Joe walking into Mutiny was a beautifully executed shot.

How lovely was that empathetic kiss between Vanessa and the Creature.

He looks just as good shorn though, don't ya think?

Damn - Sembene really is dead.

I'm aware - I should have put a space between those two sentences. I think the brothel breakout was cool but you're right it was never explained why Niska was in the brothel other than "this is a good place to hide." I do think Anita is incredibly sympathetic despite the limits on how much the actress can emote.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone else is seeing the Viagra commercial airing during this show that has the pretty long-haired Asian lady that talks about erectile dysfunction in a monotone without blinking but in context of this show it's creepy as fuck.