
Let's get this straight. Gordon screws up Mutiny once with his shitty code. Joe screws up his own life and the lives of others by burning an entire shipment of computers. And now he and Joe are gonna screw everything up again, including their relationships, by hosting on mainframes that have the potential to be shut

John Bosworth is a smooth motherfucker. Was also funny to see him go all alpha dad when he realized Tom had the hots for Cameron.

So Sembene rules - first saving Sir Malcolm during his posession and then covering sleeping Victor with a blanket and tucking him in.

::makes exaggerated snoring sound::

There was a really harsh prenup in place - she described it as unfair and would have gotten almost nothing.

Well the murder of Kathy may have been strategic as well - given his obsession with being seen as successful by his father/brother at the time a very public divorce and a potential lawsuit by your ex wife over what she described as an "unfair" prenup may have been enough to set him off. Seems plausible given the

Well by right now I meant in general, thinking of the entire year of programming. Networks do save their lowest rated shows for this season. I've never subscribed to the idea that the quality of something can be gauged by its popularity though.

I understand. I think if you go into it expecting realism it probably feels inaccessible. Hannibal functions on an allegorical/mythic level though - it's not even remotely vérité. Also, to be fair, the first half of the first season while good, gets great in its second half and isn't anywhere near as good as the

They seriously did. Every episode Olly got trotted out, staring at Jon Snow with a look on his face like he smelled diarrhea, and Thorne scowling and generally looking menacing. They're real subtle on GoT…

Hannibal is the best show on network television right now and maybe the best show on television right now in general. The end.

That I understand.

While I get your point I don't think anything on TV gets darker than Hannibal. Hannibal is a universe without starlight. Vast and terrifying and beautiful.

Writing considered good by the average viewer who needs everything explained:

Hah - not a spoiler. The books haven't even explained what happens to he who knows nothing after he gets repeatedly stabbeded by his treacherous men. Just a prediction.

Sometimes I wish this entire show was about Arya. That revenge scene was so badass.

So, my prediction from last week that Big Head is gonna become a billionaire CEO by the end of the series seems right on track.

Nuns are big on thorough exfoliation as part of a daily beauty regimen.

But Bronn needs that bad sand snake pussy though…


I see what you mean re: the Jon storyline but I think these somewhat sped up narratives, characters behaving one way only to suddenly shift in the next episode, are the inevitable result of trying to compress the novels into coherent seasons of TV.