
Should I watch this because it's going to be an inevitable train-wreck or avoid watching it because it's going to be an inevitable train-wreck?

Vulnicura was pretty great.

I agree with all of your points but I also think there's an inherent "the audience is meant to identify with the protagonist" tone to network sitcoms and the writers would not have included that line if they weren't pretty sure that the majority of the viewing audience would agree with Eddie's assessment that Bjork is

I find this show very entertaining. That being said, fuck this show for suggesting that Bjork is anything less than a musical genius and planetary treasure.

That whole conversation between Dinesh and his cousin in Urdu with subtitles was hilarious.

He's bland. Bland is what you need to have many millions of people consume you to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Well you could argue that what makes AD funny isn't the celebrity cameo alone but the writing for and performance of said celebrity. He's probably talking about the way many celebrities are used on network late night just to drive viewership without that celebrity performing in any meaningful capacity.

Agree with him on all points. Can't a statement/position be both elitist and completely accurate?

Also RTJ for the closing credits was perfect.

I'm a three foot dick!

Yeah, yeah yeah… better than you.

Hopefully Brian Krakow has better luck with Peggy Olson than he did with Angela Chase.

If this is a Father John Misty reference I love it! If not, it's still funny.

Corporal punishment has literally NO positive effects. And as far as fear of repercussions are concerned, spanking/hitting/beating/whipping only make a child less likely to do something wrong in a way that will get him/her caught - i.e. they'll continue to do the wrong thing in situations where they'll get away with


Good one!

But see I wasn't trying to defend the show to you - what's the point? You don't like it. It's like trying to convince someone to like a song that you love when they clearly hate it by describing in detail what you think makes it great - a fool's errand. Also, I didn't attack you personally, but you felt the need to

Agree to disagree - again :)

a) The show exists and I don't need to pitch it to a studio executive - I am telling you that I have watched all of its episodes multiple times and it IS interesting to ME. You clearly have a different opinion and you are entitled to it.

b) You excise a single scene between two
characters and call their relationship a

a) The show exists and I don't need to pitch it to a studio executive - I am telling you that I have watched all of its episodes multiple times and it IS interesting to ME. You clearly have a different opinion and you are entitled to it.
b) You excise a single scene between two characters and call their relationship a